View Full Version : M series - question for tom .....

05-30-2004, 04:50 AM

I love my walnut trem rosewood neck cobra -

its now got M1 M1 m3's in it sand they are sensational

I have a P90 cobra too and want to put M series in that as well

would it work to put M2 in teh neck and M3 in teh bridge both with coil taps?

how does teh M2 sound in HB and sc modes - have heard one

waddya thin k

best wishes from blightey


05-30-2004, 11:29 AM
...that you can coil tap the neck PUP. But, there's some interesting wiring that can be done c.f, the Cobra with M Series PUPs at Mass Street Music


For myself alone and with tone and oneness, Mike.

05-30-2004, 12:10 PM
the M@ is usually a bridge p/u so i imagine it may be spilt able

lets see....

thanx for teh link


05-30-2004, 10:53 PM
the m2 and m3 have a wider pole piece spacing, made for the bridge position. the m1 is a narrower spacing , made for the neck and middle position. technically you could split them all. the m1, made to lean closer to the single coil side, will be very low output if split. i think most people might think the balance would be bad for live usage. i do use my neck mini split on my new guitar, but only in quieter songs where i don't need the higher output.

05-31-2004, 02:16 AM
ok tom thanx

btw what isyour new gtr ( he said innocently? )


05-31-2004, 03:45 PM
my new guitar? oh it's this little thing i've been working on. it's a simple looking little thing. all the tones i've ever wanted, but easy to get from one to the next.

05-31-2004, 04:16 PM
I love the color!;)


06-01-2004, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by tom
my new guitar? oh it's this little thing i've been working on. it's a simple looking little thing. all the tones i've ever wanted, but easy to get from one to the next.

ahh... little hints here and there... so i'm guessing it might have some kind of new switching? I love the switcharoo, but sometimes can be daunting changing sounds live...



06-01-2004, 08:14 AM
I'm more interested in seeing a carved top (which, I guess, is a bit of a misleading term, since all wood is "carved" in some way or another), so that I can FINALLY get a carved top guitar that has all the specs I want and I don't have to compromise.

Currently, I can either get a carved top PRS shape/style with the wood combos, neck radius/shape I want, and even BFTS, but without stainless frets. OR, I can get the top, shape/style, wood combos, stainless frets, but without BFTS (a must for me) and neck radius/shape. OR, I can get a TA with BFTS, wood combos, neck radius/shape, stainless frets but no carved tops. Hopefully that's on the way and I will be able to stop wishing for the perfect guitar. Plus, I could try it with the M series pickups (which, from what I read, would make it perfect!).

Incidentally, what exactly are the M series? Are they supposed to be humbuckers with more of a single feel? P90 style pups? Or single coils that have a fatter vibe similar to a bucker? Somewhere in between? One thing's for sure, I haven't heard a single negative word about them, all extremely positive. Now, for that carved top...;)

06-01-2004, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by mbrown3
Incidentally, what exactly are the M series? Are they supposed to be humbuckers with more of a single feel? P90 style pups? Or single coils that have a fatter vibe similar to a bucker? Somewhere in between? One thing's for sure, I haven't heard a single negative word about them, all extremely positive. Now, for that carved top...;)
I know Tom can answer this better but theyre mini humbuckers. They are smoother than a p-90, fuller and bigger sounding than a single coil (and very quiet), have more clarity and openness than humbuckers. They are really in a class of their own.


06-01-2004, 09:33 AM
what would really be cool, would be to have some audio clips of tom playing similar guitars with the different pickups in them, and have those on the website. would probably help people make up their minds a lot easier.


06-01-2004, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by dpeterson
what would really be cool, would be to have some audio clips of tom playing similar guitars with the different pickups in them, and have those on the website. would probably help people make up their minds a lot easier.

Brilliant!!:o That is a great idea, great for reference.


06-01-2004, 09:49 AM
brilliant, except right now i'm spread as thin as i can stand. maybe if we didn't ship any guitars for a month we could put that togther....i guess we'd be out of business if we did that. maybe we'll wait.

06-01-2004, 10:20 AM
Yes, yes, wait wait wait. Keep those guitars coming!

06-01-2004, 10:31 AM
back to m series...

does teh M2 sit half way between M1 and M3 in terms of tone and output?

how does it split compared to teh M3?

Is it more like a phat single coil or a low power humbucker?

already got a bridge m3 in my other cobra and thsi is going into this suhr i bought recently to replace teh p90s - want a more single coil kinda vibe

06-01-2004, 10:32 AM
You know, Tom, I just had an idea that might solve this dilemma. You could send me one of each of the guitars with different pickups, and I could record some clips and post them to your site...:D :D :D

06-01-2004, 01:50 PM
you know, there is one other thing that keeps me from doing such a thing. i have never heard a sound byte that has made me want to buy anything on the web. everything sounds like it's coming through little crummy computer speakers. maybe that's because it is coming through little crummy computer speakers. i take that back, when i heard tim pierce playing the ac booster it sounded great. when i got the pedal it didn't do a thing for me. go figure.

06-01-2004, 01:52 PM
Hey, if you send me the guitars with different pickups, I'll buy you a real nice set of computer speakers with perfect flat response and accurate reproduction...;)