View Full Version : Who Likes Queensryche? (New Cali Mod and Anderson Clip)

06-05-2010, 07:22 PM
Hey guys. I haven't had much time to play or record lately. I had about an hour to play this afternoon and it was a blast. Made the backing track last night and did all the guitars this afternoon (learned as I went). I forgot how much I like these guys. I decided to cover Jet City Woman. I wasn't going for the original tones but like what I got. The Cali mod is a killer amp! I am really loving the Anderson too. I can easily see it becoming my #1 player.

I didn't have time for the clean parts but thought I would share the tune. Excuse the clams here and there. All the guitars with the exception of the main lead was without a boost (I used a clean boost on the main lead).

What do you think?

It was fun no matter what!


06-05-2010, 10:07 PM
Very cool!!! :cool: Great tone also!
You should play more often!!! ;)

06-06-2010, 04:06 AM
Nice , what's a cali mod amp ?

Tommy M
06-06-2010, 01:07 PM
Sounds great. I am in the market for a new amp, so i'd like to know what a cali mod is as well. Jet City Woman is my fav queensryche song. Nice job

06-06-2010, 01:43 PM
that cali mod sounds sick, did you do it yourself or have it done? I dont know how complicated it is or if its even diy

06-06-2010, 05:09 PM
sounds really great!

06-07-2010, 12:30 PM
Very cool!!! :cool: Great tone also!
You should play more often!!! ;)

Thanks! I haven't had as much time to play over the past 8 weeks. I have been training for one of my big races for 2010. I am running the Ragnar Wasatch Back for the second year in a row (http://www.ragnarrelay.com/wasatchback/index.php). As soon as it is over I will get back to playing this killer Drop Top. I am seriously loving this guitar!


Nice , what's a cali mod amp ?

It is a mod by Mike Fortin (http://www.fortinamps.com/). It is his take on the Jose Arredondo circuit mod that he performed on Marshalls back in the day. Mine is a modded JCM800.


Sounds great. I am in the market for a new amp, so i'd like to know what a cali mod is as well. Jet City Woman is my fav queensryche song. Nice job

Please see above. You can e-mail Mike from his website.He is currently working on his new production amps but will always talk about modding an amp. Great guy!

06-07-2010, 12:31 PM
that cali mod sounds sick, did you do it yourself or have it done? I dont know how complicated it is or if its even diy

It is and is so much fun to play. The cool thing is that I can bypass the mod and play the amp as if it were stock. Kind of like having the best of both worlds.

sounds really great!


06-07-2010, 07:26 PM
Fortins Cali Mod is the only one I've seen, its amazing. I've definitely heard that Fortin is the way to go. That amp blows my mind... excuse me while I pick brain matter from my keyboard

06-07-2010, 08:20 PM
Sounds amazing man! :D

Tommy M
06-07-2010, 11:40 PM
Thanks for the info on the cali mod Gibson. There is a guy here on the east coast, Trace Davis. His shop is called Voodoo amps, it's in northern New York State. voodooamps.com. He does what he calls a jose mod, must be the same thing. I met him just this saturday at an amp show. I had a 77 Marshall JMP MarkII 100w that I sold when I stopped playing. BIG MISTAKE:( :eek:

06-08-2010, 10:29 AM
Thanks for the info on the cali mod Gibson. There is a guy here on the east coast, Trace Davis. His shop is called Voodoo amps, it's in northern New York State. voodooamps.com. He does what he calls a jose mod, must be the same thing. I met him just this saturday at an amp show. I had a 77 Marshall JMP MarkII 100w that I sold when I stopped playing. BIG MISTAKE:( :eek:

It is similar to Trace's mod. The Cali mod is Mike Fortin's take on the Jose. I have heard some clips of Voodoo's version and wasn't as impressed. The Fortin mod is very close to Mark Cameron's version (which sounds awesome). For the kind of music I play, it fits like a glove.

One of the major pieces is the Anderson Drop Top. I am seriously loving it. I played it acoustically last night for about 2 hours.