View Full Version : Jackson Ampworks Britain 2.0. Wow.

06-03-2010, 11:06 AM
A buddy of mine picked up his Britain 2.0 from Brad this week at Jackson Ampworks and we played the hell out of it in the studio at the church we play at on Sundays (get it, played the hell out...). If I recall this clip was at 18w through the Jackson cab which I believe has a Gold and a Greenback in it. One of the bridge saddles came off my Andy and I haven't had a chance to run by Charley's to get it intonated, so sadly its just a run of the mill tele in this clip.

It was loud as all get out in there and this is an iPhone video, but you can get a general idea of what the amp is capable of. Tons of videos at www.jacksonampworks.com. This clip is with a Suhr Riot and an Eventide kicked on, but this amp has CRAZY headroom. I mean Crazy. We A/B'd the amp with an 18w Badger and, to my ears mind you, it wasn't even a competition. The two channels on the Jackson can go from Marshall to Vox and back again and the ability to blend them really opens up some tonal options. Kudos to you Brad, we had a blast last night.

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11-26-2010, 01:10 PM
Thanks for the introduction to what is going to be (already is?) a fantastic amp and company. I've been checking out their website for the last couple of days. Does the Britain actually switch between the channels? Or, is it only a blend of the two with the respective volume controls?