View Full Version : Planet Waves Great Customer Service

05-26-2004, 11:36 AM
I use Planet Waves Circuit Breaker cables. Last night at a gig one of them, about 18 months old with heavy use, started shorting.

This morning I emailed Planet Waves to find out about warranty repairs.

Twenty minutes later I got a message back. Matt Sweeney, Consumer Marketing Manager, explained how to fix it, (basically the same as George L). The message also explained how and where to return the cable. Matt was very apologetic.

I thought that the folks on this board, used to great service that we get from TAG, might appreciate this story.

BTW I think the Planet Waves are way better than Monster. Very transparent and the mute thing is a cool feature.

05-26-2004, 01:03 PM
nice to hear. never cared for the sound of the monster's. do they do a right angle end?

05-26-2004, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by tom
nice to hear. never cared for the sound of the monster's. do they do a right angle end?

Monster I feel colors the sound.

Planet waves does make a right angle cable:


Nice thing, (that I found out today!) is if it shorts around the jack, you just unscrew the set screw, pull the cable snip off an inch, push it back and and tigthen the scew.

And mine lasted with 18 months or so of HEAVY use. Did the lttle snip snip earlier and its like new!

Scott Peterson
05-26-2004, 11:17 PM
Very cool. I like Planet Waves stuff and use their cords a lot though I have lots of nice cords. Good stuff, good prices. Now to hear a report of good customer service..... very cool.