View Full Version : Line6 Variax Acoustic 700?

Ray K.
05-03-2010, 11:26 AM

Just askin...

Anyone have one or have some time on one? Even better if in a live environment. The sound samples sound good, of course.

I'm the go-to guy for anything solo wise in our worship band. I haven't owned an acoustic in ages, after selling (or trading?) my Alvarez-Yairi DY-68 12 string about 15 - 18 years ago.

Now, I'm starting to look for the "perfect" acoustic stage guitar to meet my needs. I will be using it with a Gracie stand or MBrace: http://www.mbracestand.com/mbrace_home.html

Oh, bonus points if anyone has used an MBrace! :)

Naturally, I first thought of a Crowdster and it is still on my list. The only kink in the works is sometimes I need steel string and other times nylon string acoustic sounds. Two guitars on stands is out of the question!

I have never tried any of the Variax models and only had my memory jogged while researching another acoustic/electric. I had no idea Line6 had come out with an acoustic model(er).

I know there is some Line6 love here on the forum, so hopefully someone can give me their take on one of these, or perhaps an alternative I haven't thought of.

Ray K.

05-04-2010, 06:52 PM
I thought the electric Variax was soul-less, but the acoustic not as much, although I never bought one.

The actual playability is better on the acoustics imho, by far.

That said... just couldn't go there myself.

Ray K.
05-04-2010, 08:15 PM
The actual playability is better on the acoustics imho, by far. Well at least that sounds somewhat positive. ;)

That said... just couldn't go there myself.
I truly know what you mean, and I haven't even had my hands on one yet!

I was actually hoping someone would say some "nasty" things about them. The thought of going to even try one, if I can locate one, doesn't even appeal to me. But, it may prove to be a positive experience after all. And considering my needs, I haven't been able to come up with a better plan as of yet.

Still pondering...

Ray K.

05-05-2010, 07:26 AM
Oh, I can say something nasty. I can compare it to my Crowdster. ;-P

Seriously, my solution to the nylon string sound problem was to ditch the need for a nylon string. I had one of the Godin nylon string guitars, it was the best plugged in nylon string I every came near. AWESOME guitar, and I miss it, but I'm a steel-string guy anyway, so I'm okay.

If I had to have both sounds, I'd look into the Variax for sure.

Ray K.
05-05-2010, 09:13 AM
If I had to have both sounds, I'd look into the Variax for sure.
Yeah, that's my dilemma. Otherwise I'd be all over a Crowdster! ;)

I hope I can find one local to try out instead of having to order one.

Ray K.

05-05-2010, 11:01 PM
I own to many guitars. About the only brand I have sold off completely is Line6.

I want to like their stuff because of the versatility idea. Some can live with the tone, some can not. That is a personal equation, tone quality verse versatility IMHO.

But I will say is that almost every line6 product I purchased over the years has broken. I owned two Variax. Both broke. Never gigged, used hard, abused, or bumped around. Just sit in my controlled home stuido. Two Vetta combos. Both failed. I do not trust there manufacturing quality. Looks good day one but fall apart long term. I am real easy on gear

Lots of different ways to get there. For me, I would want a TA Crowdster Plus two (++) and a Godin ACS-SA without question.

Ray K.
05-06-2010, 10:03 AM
Odd you should mention this. I happened to go by a shop yesterday that I had remembered seeing some Variax Electrics in awhile back. I asked about the Variax Acoustics. The salesperson told me they had two in stock...great! I was looking forward to checking one of them out. He comes back and lets me know that both were "inoperable" and currently being repaired...hmmm!

He'll call me when they are repaired, and I probably will go back to check them out. But with your experience and this situation, I don't have a comfortable feeling about using one live right now.

And I would be all over your (2) acoustic suggestions if I were the acoustic guitar player. But, I am not and have the right electric guitars for what I need. I would only be stepping up to the Gracie stand loaded with the acoustic while still wearing my electric. Just to take a short acoustic solo where/when needed, then backing off and going back to my electric.

Thanks for the info!
Ray K.

05-06-2010, 10:15 AM
Ray, I do that all the time with my guitars, because they all have piezos. With a good preamp and its own signal chain, they sound quite good for that.

Let us know how the Variax thing works out, though.


05-06-2010, 11:43 AM
Odd you should mention this. I happened to go by a shop yesterday that I had remembered seeing some Variax Electrics in awhile back. I asked about the Variax Acoustics. The salesperson told me they had two in stock...great! I was looking forward to checking one of them out. He comes back and lets me know that both were "inoperable" and currently being repaired...hmmm!

He'll call me when they are repaired, and I probably will go back to check them out. But with your experience and this situation, I don't have a comfortable feeling about using one live right now.

And I would be all over your (2) acoustic suggestions if I were the acoustic guitar player. But, I am not and have the right electric guitars for what I need. I would only be stepping up to the Gracie stand loaded with the acoustic while still wearing my electric. Just to take a short acoustic solo where/when needed, then backing off and going back to my electric.

Thanks for the info!
Ray K.

What electric are you using?

My next thought for you it to install a FISHAMNN Piezo Bridge into your electric. It sounds scary but it is very simple if you have a Strat-ish guitar with trem. You can instal it and have no battery. You can use a single stereo 1/4" jack or two mono 1/4 jacks. You will need good tone shaping off the guitar then run to house, monitors, or acoustic amp. This give you usable accoustic on you electric and you can have the Nylon Godin ACS in the stand to use. This is my plan all except the stand

Ray K.
05-07-2010, 01:29 PM
Depends...my #1 is my Hollow Drop Top (H-S-H). But, I make good use of my '56 Custom Shop Strat and my Hollow T Classic. Occasionally, my LP makes an appearance. Rarely will I have more than (2) of these guitars with me though.

Except for re-fretting, I do all work and mods to my guitars. But, I just can't stomach the idea of drilling into the tops of any of these to add a Piezo bridge.

I'm about to put my TAG Classic up for sale, maybe I should consider trading for something already setup with Piezo's...hmmm. :cool:

I looked at the nylon Godin's online briefly. Personally, I think I would prefer the Multiac series with the Duet system. I like the idea of phantom power (XLR) or 1/4", and I don't have any plans to use a synth.

Good alternative though if I don't fall completely in love with a Variax Acoustic.

Ray K.

What electric are you using?

My next thought for you it to install a FISHAMNN Piezo Bridge into your electric. It sounds scary but it is very simple if you have a Strat-ish guitar with trem. You can instal it and have no battery. You can use a single stereo 1/4" jack or two mono 1/4 jacks. You will need good tone shaping off the guitar then run to house, monitors, or acoustic amp. This give you usable accoustic on you electric and you can have the Nylon Godin ACS in the stand to use. This is my plan all except the stand

05-07-2010, 10:18 PM
Does your Hollow Drop Top (H-S-H), '56 Custom Shop Strat, or Hollow T Classic have a tremolo? You do not have to drill any holes if you have a tremolo. I installed the Fishman bridge in a classic recently and not one new hole at all. I installed in a Hollow T classic and the only hole was in the trem cavity. I did not have to drill any but like the routing better.

Passive. No battery. One one output jack. Now stereo v mono for mag's only. Very good vodo.

Ray K.
05-08-2010, 11:06 AM
Trems on the HDT and Strat.

So what's the secret to getting the wire from the bridge to the control cavity without drilling? Also, I would need a selector switch somewhere to go from mag to Piezo pickups. I suppose I could use a push-pull pot, but would prefer a toggle, which I'm thinking means drilling a hold somewhere (?).

Passive is a huge plus! I've vowed to never own another guitar with active electronics. :cool:

I've never really looked into this seriously, so I would appreciate a little education.

Ray K.

Does your Hollow Drop Top (H-S-H), '56 Custom Shop Strat, or Hollow T Classic have a tremolo? You do not have to drill any holes if you have a tremolo. I installed the Fishman bridge in a classic recently and not one new hole at all. I installed in a Hollow T classic and the only hole was in the trem cavity. I did not have to drill any but like the routing better.

Passive. No battery. One one output jack. Now stereo v mono for mag's only. Very good vodo.

05-08-2010, 11:18 AM
Happy to help. I have spent 8 months studying guitars with Piezo and Synth. Feel free to call me you you wish to talk. 240-298-1295

Godin guitars are not in the same class as Anderson, IMHO. But their stuff is very good value and they are best at the three voice thing (Mag', Piezo, Synth), again IMHO.

No trick to getting Piezo wire from bridge to control cavity. The is a ground wire from control cavity to bridge. I put two wires in the hole verse the original one wire.

You can easy put switch. I do not like to have a switch. I have no volume control or switch. I bring two siginal off the guitar, one side magnetics, one side piezo. I feed them to different signal chains and control on/off with my feet. Works great and is the way the older Anderson's worked.

05-09-2010, 02:27 PM
Godin guitars are not in the same class as Anderson, IMHO. But their stuff is very good value and they are best at the three voice thing (Mag', Piezo, Synth), again IMHO.

+1 on this. Absolutely true. I've had Andersons and Godins, and although I no longer own Godins they were EXCELLENT! And for the money (especially used) they are hard to beat.

Ray, on a trem guitar, there's already a wire coming from the bridge to the ground, you can fish the cable for the piezo through the same hole sometimes. Although, when I put a PowerBridge on my US Masters with a trem, I had to drill a hole anyway. Can't remember why.

Ray K.
05-09-2010, 10:12 PM
Thanks for all the info/help, guys! Umm, my '56 CS Strat is a light relic with aged hardware, so even if a Piezo bridge would fit, I wouldn't be comfortable trying to "age" the hardware for fear of messing up the electronics.

Yet another important piece of the puzzle that I overlooked...I run wireless! So, I can't think of a way to split the mag and Piezo signals via my mono wireless system.

I'm mainly interested in a nylon string guitar with stand, either the real deal or a Variax. A steel string acoustic would be a nice option also, but it's not a real necessity.

jd, I'm curious what kind of problems you had with your Variax guitars? How long ago did you own them? They're still around, so I wonder if they might have improved them. Just askin'...

Ray K.

05-10-2010, 05:39 AM
I used wireless for about 5 minutes... couldn't take it.

But seriously, you could run two wirelesses, attach both to our strap, make a cable works with them.

But I wouldn't put a piezo on a reliced fender.

05-10-2010, 06:25 AM
Thanks for all the info/help, guys! Umm, my '56 CS Strat is a light relic with aged hardware, so even if a Piezo bridge would fit, I wouldn't be comfortable trying to "age" the hardware for fear of messing up the electronics.

Yet another important piece of the puzzle that I overlooked...I run wireless! So, I can't think of a way to split the mag and Piezo signals via my mono wireless system.

I'm mainly interested in a nylon string guitar with stand, either the real deal or a Variax. A steel string acoustic would be a nice option also, but it's not a real necessity.

jd, I'm curious what kind of problems you had with your Variax guitars? How long ago did you own them? They're still around, so I wonder if they might have improved them. Just askin'...

Ray K.


With respect to the guitars, the hardware broke and the IC's inside the guitar developed intermitan problems. The build quality does seem low to me.

I want to like Line6 products. I am glade thy came along as they fostered the "one thing does a lot styled products" (DigiTech was there first maybe--GSP 2101).

I have never had the pedals or POD so I would not speak to them. The Vetta amps and Variax guitars ultimately let me down. I was excited at first but dissapointed in the end. I have owned 12 items for line6. All are gone and I do not regret selling them.

One thought for you. Order the Variax you like from Musician Friend so you have 45 days to try the guitar and see how you feel in 30 days. Hopefully you will have better luck than I.

In the end you seem to be saying you want a nylon guitar. Just my thought. The Godin ACS is about $1,000.00 new. It is thin so easy to walking up to it on a stand with another guitar still on your body would seem easier. There are different neck sizes so it can feel more like an electric if that matters to you. RMC piezos give a lot of tone control. Best of luck.

Ray K.
05-10-2010, 09:48 AM
Hehe...yeah, I understand wireless isn't for everyone. I've been using them since the early '80s and as long as I have a choice I don't plan to go back.

But, I think using two wireless units would be a bit much for me, though I know what you are referring to, and it should work fine.

Yeah, putting a Piezo on my CS Strat...I just can't go there! ;)

Ray K.

I used wireless for about 5 minutes... couldn't take it.

But seriously, you could run two wirelesses, attach both to our strap, make a cable works with them.

But I wouldn't put a piezo on a reliced fender.

Ray K.
05-10-2010, 09:52 AM
Thanks for the rundown, jd! As I said, I was just curious.

I think I'll wait awhile and go back to the shop that has the "inoperable" Variax's, so I can get my hands on one without commitment. I'll should know right away if it's the route I would like to go.

MF is a good second option, if the above doesn't work out.

Yeah, Godin is still on my list. It will depend on what comes out of the Variax trials.

Ray K.


With respect to the guitars, the hardware broke and the IC's inside the guitar developed intermitan problems. The build quality does seem low to me.

I want to like Line6 products. I am glade thy came along as they fostered the "one thing does a lot styled products" (DigiTech was there first maybe--GSP 2101).

I have never had the pedals or POD so I would not speak to them. The Vetta amps and Variax guitars ultimately let me down. I was excited at first but dissapointed in the end. I have owned 12 items for line6. All are gone and I do not regret selling them.

One thought for you. Order the Variax you like from Musician Friend so you have 45 days to try the guitar and see how you feel in 30 days. Hopefully you will have better luck than I.

In the end you seem to be saying you want a nylon guitar. Just my thought. The Godin ACS is about $1,000.00 new. It is thin so easy to walking up to it on a stand with another guitar still on your body would seem easier. There are different neck sizes so it can feel more like an electric if that matters to you. RMC piezos give a lot of tone control. Best of luck.

05-10-2010, 03:00 PM
I used wireless for about 5 minutes... couldn't take it.

You should try either X2 Wireless or Line 6's new Relay system. You can't tell the difference between cable and the wireless system. The crazy thing is that they aren't that expensive for a wireless system. If I end up using the Crowdster Stereo with Acoustic and Electric going at the same time, I am going to have to buy another wireless system, but I don't think I am going to do that. I usually just play acoustic for most songs with electric for a song or two. Instead of switching guitars its easier just to have one for all, but the Stereo looks like it will be fun to play with.