View Full Version : anyone shed some light.

sausage fingers
04-29-2010, 01:54 AM
I have had my new anderson for about 3 weeks,it is a solid basswood DT classic with HF2 ,SF,SF ,5 way, add bridge with single coil,humbing,va boost.
I love this guitar ,but out of the blue the bridge humbucker looses full power
(when switch is in bridge position)and the toggle is in humbucking / va booste mode.
When the toggle is in the up pos it is fine,but when the toggle is in middle and down pos it looses full power and sound really nasely and dry .
then after a while it will come back ,but latley its happening more often.
checked the p/u for cold solder joints and checked all the switch solder joints.
I have had the scratchplate of 17 times trying to get the bridge p/u to come back in middle and down toggle switch pos.
when you switch the 5 way in to 2nd pos ,full power all the way and is the same
in all 5 way pos.
I have tried to move wires around to no avail seeing if there is a loose connection.
Then suddenly the bridge will work in all 3 toggle pos.
ITs really got me stumed how it can work fine for about 3 days and then fail
I think i want a new pre wired scratch plate as i dont trust this one any more.

cheers sausage fingers from oz:confused:

04-29-2010, 10:34 AM
intermittency in those particular situations can only come from a couple places.
it has to be related to the black and white wires from the bridge pickup since the other coil of the humbucker is working fine(it's the one that's on in the up position of the mini switch). so it's either that coil or somewhere in the chain of that coil at the switch. my best guess would be to replace the pickup. intermittent problems are the worst, it's like when you take your car in because it's doing something wrong and it won't do it for the repair person.

04-29-2010, 02:23 PM
Tom, I am sure you have a gazillion percent more experience with this than I will ever have. But I have read this post many times today and had a thought:

I know this sounds CRAZY, but might spraying some contact cleaner in the pots and switches be worth a try before swapping a pup? Just seems like if there is an intermittent issue it might be due to a bad contact along the way. I guess I figured, those things have moving parts that may be making intermittent contact.

I guess, in my day world, I would always defer to moving part issues before I would go to the non moving part issues. Although, with conveyors moving at 150 FPM, we tend to deal with somewhat higher voltages:D

Let me qualify this by saying I have NO IDEA how guitar wiring works. Never really wanted to learn. I leave that stuff up to experts like Tom Anderson, and my buddy Dave who services my gear down in Richmond VA. They know how to make tone, and I just want to play it.

04-29-2010, 03:24 PM
the only other potentially suspect piece could be the 3 way mini switch, unfortunately that is a sealed switch so spraying would not be an option.

sausage fingers
04-29-2010, 04:21 PM
Yes i have done all the spraying ,cleaning testing,and its just done it again.
Thank you guys very much and thankyou Tom ,i love this guitar very much,
and i just want to keep some strings on it and polish it for more than a couple days without pulling it a part.
Uncle Roy will help me ,he always helps me,ill drop him a line see what i do next,
might send the whole scratch plate back to TAGW and get the experts on to it.
cheers SF:confused:

sausage fingers
04-29-2010, 06:22 PM
Yes i have done all the spraying ,cleaning testing,and its just done it again,
Thank you guys very much and thankyou Tom ,i love this guitar very much,
and i just want to keep some strings on it and polish it for more than a couple days without pulling it a part.
Uncle Roy will help me he always helps me,ill drop him a line see what i do next,
might send the whole scratch plate back to TAGW and get the experts on to it.
cheers SF:confused:

Sorry about the spelling mistakes,did the post in the dark and having
sausage fingers does not help.