View Full Version : What Type of GAS....

Stan Malinowski
05-25-2004, 08:45 AM
What type of GAS are you presently experiencing?.....

1) Guitar
2) Amp
3) Pedal

I must be sick because I have seem to become content with what I have (ie NO GAS!).

05-25-2004, 09:08 AM
Definitley Guitar. I've been building one actually and I'm close to being done with everythign I can do at this point. So my GAS is for the pickups and electronics and the finish. So I have an unfinished guitar that I can't wait to play. Staring at a guitar that's not playable might be worse than staring at an empty guitar stand. Of course...I have GAS for a nice andy too! And a Mayes acoustic (www.mayesguitars.com).

05-25-2004, 10:19 AM
My GAS is at an all time low with my new sage green classic:D
Still a little pedal and amp gassy though;)


05-25-2004, 11:55 AM
I'm GAS'in for those mods on my Rosewood Hollow T.

Tom...any news?

Other than that...my GAS has been temporarily eased with the acquistion of the guitar mentioned above :)

'Temporarily' being the key word here :D When it resumes, it will be for another guitar for sure. I'm good on amps and don't really use pedals (I have one of those little Boss ME-50's that I use when I need some delay or chorus.)

05-25-2004, 01:25 PM
Since I have a new Grosh set neck on order, my guitar addiction is temporarily sated. However, I have a new case of amp GAS to take its place. Been looking at the Dr. Z amps, Germino and more recently Carr models as well.

05-25-2004, 01:31 PM
I have definite M-Series GAS right now. I have two orders for M loaded guitars in, a Classic and a Cobra S.

My amp GAS should cured within the next couple of weeks. I have my very own Barber Echelon head and Barber speaker cabinet due. I fell in love with this amp a couple of months ago but the store owner wouldn't sell the one he got in. He's keeping it!

I should be cured of pedal GAS for quite a while because I also ordered ALL of the Barber pedals to go with the amp! I've got lotsa knob twiddlin' ahead of me.

Interestingly enough, I sold off my huge collection of NOS vacuum tubes to cover a lot of this new stuff. After I heard the Echelon with absolute bottom of the barrel tubes in it I decided that it was time to get over the NOS tube thing.:)


05-25-2004, 01:34 PM
actually i'm ok... i think i'm going to start sending back some of my dt's to get stainless, just need to recover from vacation :)

My guitars currently cover all the bases right now, my amp does everything i need it to.


05-25-2004, 01:48 PM
Happy to report that I've got no GAS!! Just got my suhr classic and I'm happy. I'm thinking of buying a couple of smaller item things (Teese RMC3LE or Wizard, a Diezel 1x12 cab, or my old Dr Z 2x12 cab that I may buy back) but I'm definitely not obsessing over them.

05-25-2004, 01:55 PM
I'm GASSin for whatever Tom's brewing in the shop now!

05-25-2004, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
I'm GASSin for whatever Tom's brewing in the shop now!

Me too...

05-25-2004, 03:13 PM
i have guitar GAS...just bought another drop top

05-26-2004, 12:32 AM
I am out of GAS... and out of GAS money!

In the last month I bought a Taylor 314CE-L1 Koa, a TA Crowdster and a Marshall AS50R Acoustic Amp.

No more money, but the best acoustic guitar tone I have ever had!

- Devin

Scott Peterson
05-26-2004, 07:38 AM
1. Waiting on three guitars right now. The Line 6 Acoustic Variax (yes I have played one, I was much more impressed than I thought I'd be); Thorn #47 is hitting paint next week; and Melancon Custom Artist due here maybe next month.

2. My GDS 18watt clone amp head is done and waiting for me to come up with the money and go pick her up. Waiting on A/R right now.

3. I have a TIM on order and a Grinder from Hermida Audio Technology enroute. Can't wait.

I can say with some authority that outside of pedals for the coming months, there will be no GAS purchases. I am shooting the moon with the stuff inbound now. That shuts me down for a *long* time. In fact, time to go out and play the heck out of this stuff live!

05-26-2004, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Scott Peterson
1. Waiting on three guitars right now. The Line 6 Acoustic Variax (yes I have played one, I was much more impressed than I thought I'd be);
Scott...what were your impressions of the quality of the guitar? I thought the solid body Variax was a fantastic idea...but it was put into a $100-$200 guitar.

I have my local shop calling me the day that one arrives.

...and Guitar Center (at least mine) is not going to stock these. Thus, the 'try for 30 days and return' policy doesn't apply.



05-26-2004, 09:46 AM
I just got two Andys in the last four months, plus replaced a bunch of pedals.

So I have let out a lot of GAS.

But wait... wait...

That little Koch Twintone is looking nicer and nicer everyday!

Scott Peterson
05-26-2004, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by tmihm
Scott...what were your impressions of the quality of the guitar? I thought the solid body Variax was a fantastic idea...but it was put into a $100-$200 guitar.

I have my local shop calling me the day that one arrives.

...and Guitar Center (at least mine) is not going to stock these. Thus, the 'try for 30 days and return' policy doesn't apply.



Check your email.

05-26-2004, 01:05 PM
i'd love to hear your impressions of the acoustic vari as well.

05-29-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Happy to report that I've got no GAS!! Just got my suhr classic and I'm happy. I'm thinking of buying a couple of smaller item things (Teese RMC3LE or Wizard, a Diezel 1x12 cab, or my old Dr Z 2x12 cab that I may buy back) but I'm definitely not obsessing over them.

You should love the Teese wah. I have what's called a "Rockin' Daddy" RMC3, which is the LE without the gold pedal--something Teese made for Rockin' Daddy music store--the first retailer of his pedals. It's great to be able to tailor the wah's sound the way you want it.


05-29-2004, 12:23 PM
I've got a couple of gasses brewing right now:

1. I'm looking for another Anderson. I'd really like a Crowdster, but that might have to wait until next year. I'm thinking about a T or something hollow, to give me a sense of variety contrasted with the Drop Top and Cobra I already have.

2. I've had this strange urge to pick up a couple of pedals to run in front of my rack setup. I've yet been able to get a good Univybe sound from my Eclipse. Any suggestions?



06-08-2004, 10:17 PM
I satisfied part one of my GAS. Now, it's on to part two.


06-09-2004, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by nickdahl
You should love the Teese wah. I have what's called a "Rockin' Daddy" RMC3, which is the LE without the gold pedal--something Teese made for Rockin' Daddy music store--the first retailer of his pedals. It's great to be able to tailor the wah's sound the way you want it.


Nick, I don't know how I missed this post. Anyway, I hear good things about the rockin' daddy. I don't know-wah is cool and I already have one that I don't use, so who knows? GAS is funny-you end up buying a lot of stuff you don't even use!

06-09-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by nickdahl
I satisfied part one of my GAS. Now, it's on to part two.


I should say!! Good luck. BTW-what does your rack set-up look like?

06-09-2004, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by pluto
I should say!! Good luck. BTW-what does your rack set-up look like?

Here's my rack:

Hope this file works! Everything here is current except for the tuner: I have a Strobostomp now.


06-09-2004, 01:25 PM
Awesome. I don't have a rack, and never owned one as I stopped playing guitar way before rack units got really popular and didn't get back into guitar until way after rack units lost a little bit of its popularity. But I really enjoy seeing pics of racks since those rack guys are over the top crazy. I noticed you have a sonic maximizer in your rig. Does it add a lot of "hi-fi" qualities to your tone and how important is it to your overall tone? Thanks.

06-09-2004, 01:41 PM
Actually, I forgot. I just sold the BBE this week, to help pay for my Anderson binge. I used the BBE for a different purpose than most people, I think. What I used it for was when I would play low-volume, I would kick the BBE in, and it seemed to give me a bit more low end. When I moved last year into a new house, where I could practice in the basement zone (where no one hears me) rather than in an attic zone (where everyone for blocks could hear me), I found I didn't use it as much.

I never used it while recording, nor when I was playing louder than conversation level. It didn't really make my tone too hi-fi, but I used it like a button on a hi-fi.


06-09-2004, 02:18 PM
Nick, thanks for the info. I was tempted to get a sonic maximizer about a year ago but one of my friends whose ears I trust, advised me not to do so. He said it added a hi-fi, almost fake solid state sheen to the sound. My local dealer also told me not to buy one either and he sells them. Anyway, thanks again.

06-09-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Nick, thanks for the info. I was tempted to get a sonic maximizer about a year ago but one of my friends whose ears I trust, advised me not to do so. He said it added a hi-fi, almost fake solid state sheen to the sound. My local dealer also told me not to buy one either and he sells them. Anyway, thanks again.

awww....c'mon, the BBE sonic maximizer isn't sooo bad....

if you use it in the PA! - especially if your singer's hurtin':D

06-10-2004, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by nickdahl
(where everyone for blocks could hear me),

Nick..I always wondered if that was you. :)

Just kidding :p

06-10-2004, 06:30 PM
I do like to play loud.

Actually, I'm starting to think about some pedal effects, and wonder what people are using for Univybe-like effects. I keep trying to program my Eclipse to do a good one, and haven't been happy with the results.

The only pedal effect I have on the board now is a Teese wah, so you might want to factor that effect in on your recommendations.



06-14-2004, 03:48 AM
all GASSED out!

recently bought suhr led ed 2001, voodoo 59 and 60s pafs, anotehr m series set ( M1 M2)

collection is now

Anderson walnut cobra with 3 m series and rosewood neck

anderson koa top cobra with voodoo 59 pafs

suhr ltd ed 2001 burle maple with m series

Gibson CS LP florentine no f holes voodoo 60 pafs

Suhr ocean turqiose classic strat

suhr double edge bounde tele

taylor 814ce

line 6 variax acoustic ( coming)

thats enough for now or so my wife says!


06-14-2004, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by pluto
Nick, thanks for the info. I was tempted to get a sonic maximizer about a year ago but one of my friends whose ears I trust, advised me not to do so. He said it added a hi-fi, almost fake solid state sheen to the sound. My local dealer also told me not to buy one either and he sells them. Anyway, thanks again.

I had one for many years, used it with every preamp i had down the line .. boogie studio preamp, quad preamp, then the triaxis. It's all in how you dial in your stuff. for me it added low end chunk i couldnt get without it, and clean tones just sparkled with it.

alas the rack is gone... sometimes i miss it, until i have to drag my gear out of the basement ;)
