View Full Version : looking for small combo amp

04-17-2010, 04:39 PM
I'm currently running my C+ in stereo thru an AER compact 60 for the acoustic side and a fender princeton chorus on the electric side. The AER is amazing and brings out the clearest acoustic voice I could ask for. I'm not as happy with the fender for what I'm trying to do, partly b/c I have to keep the volume on 2 or 3 max to keep the stage noise down (I lead music at church), but I think it's time to upgrade anyway. So, I've been looking at smaller tube combos like the Egnater tweaker and Blackstar HT-5. I'm really new to the electric amp thing and have been enjoying reading posts from everyone. What I'm really after is just good clean tone for the most part b/c I love the CMA pickup (and I'm sure I'll be upgrading to C++ before too long). I'm also thinking a smaller, lower watt amp might be better so I could enjoy it at a relatively higher vol on stage as my monitor (I'll line out to the PA) and then mic if necessary. Also, is there much of a tone difference between a head and matching cab vs. the same thing in a combo version? Just wanted to see if anyone has any input...thanks, Clay

04-18-2010, 08:37 AM
Hi Clay,

I have a couple low wattage amps (15 watts or less) that I like and a couple that are mid wattage (30 and 40 watts) that can also fit the bill as a low wattage amp.

My newest is the Egnater Tweaker, it's very versatile and sounds really great. I have the head and cab, the combo isn't supposed to be out until May. A great variety of tones and sounds very big.

Rivera Venus 3 1X10 combo. It's also 15 watts but has a 1/2 power switch on it to cut it back to 8 watts. Again very versatile and compact and very good tones.

Genz Benz Black Pearl 30 1X12 combo. 30 watts with switches to cut it back to 15 or 8 watts. Has a voicing switch on it with 5 different voices and a foot switchable boost function. Another very versatile and toneful amp.

My main gigging amp these days, Tone King Metropolitan 1X12 combo. It's 40 watts, two channels, and has built in power scaling to go from 0.1 watts to 40 watts. The power scaling does a nice job of maintaining the tone as you scale it back.

I've heard great things about the Reason Bambino and the Jet 20 but never heard one in person.


04-18-2010, 12:54 PM
Clay, much as I love my Crowdy, it is, with the single electric pickup, imho, more finicky with amps than other guitars. (That "finickiness" disappeared, imho, when I got it back from the factory with the Plus 2 option). Not that it sounds "bad", I just found it a little more challenging to find the right amp to use with it (or model, when I was modeling) to sound "great".

I can say that I think it sounded unusually better through 10" speakers (at least 2, not just 1), but then again, I'm a fan of 10" speakers anyway. The thing sounds amazing through my Fender SuperSonic, and even better through my 2 x 10 equipped (Tone Tubbies) Dr. Z Maz 38 Sr. I didn't like it through my Deluxe Reverb Reissue. I love it through the AC30 and Bassman models in my POD XT Pro (which is actually making me real happy these days... go figure...)

Here's what I'd do. Borrow a POD or something, try the different amps, write down the ones that work the best and try them first, or some similar.

04-20-2010, 05:53 AM
Thanks guys...really appreciate the tips.

kevin h
04-20-2010, 09:06 AM
The Reason Bambino is a great little low watt amp, but if you really only need an amp for a clean sound, then it might be a bit of overkill for you. It gets a great clean sound on the bright channel, but the pre-amp section is really three channels. (bright, normal and stack mode)

There are so many great low watt tube amps on the market that it is a bit difficult to recommend just one.

I've been using a Divided by 13 JRT 9/15 for the past 5 or 6 years as a my main giging amp and I can't say enough good things about it. I use it mainly as a clean sound and then use pedals for distortion. I absolutely LOVE it!

04-21-2010, 08:08 AM
Dont want to hijack but Strat 56 how do you like the Toneking Metro ..I have been yearning for one

04-21-2010, 06:24 PM
Dont want to hijack but Strat 56 how do you like the Toneking Metro ..I have been yearning for one

I like it a lot. It took a few gigs to get it dialed in and I played my iPod thru it for a couple days to make sure the speaker was good and broken in, but it's very nice. Clean sound is big and sweet, power scaling is great. It can be very bright, at least with the guitars I've played thru it so I'm careful with the treble control and bright switch.

The lead channel, I'm having a more difficult time finding a tone that I like on. I have good overdrive tones thru the clean channel using my pedals, so I'm also not super motivated to find one.

I'd recommend it for anything except metal.

04-21-2010, 06:30 PM
for what you've described, maybe a delux reverb would do the trick, grab a reissue, put a new speaker in there, and new tubes, and you're good to go. Also carr rambler, for that fendery tone, or the DR. Z stuff is nice for slightly dirty tones. So many amps, really depends on what gear you have, and the tone you're after. For most church gigs, the Carr/fender stuff would work, but if it's more of a rockin' gig, I'd suggest an el84 based amp. My buddy makes great amps, if you're interested at all, PM me, and I'll put you in touch. He made me two fender type circuits, and they both kill!

04-22-2010, 07:16 AM
like it a lot. It took a few gigs to get it dialed in and I played my iPod thru it for a couple days to make sure the speaker was good and broken in, but it's very nice. Clean sound is big and sweet, power scaling is great. It can be very bright, at least with the guitars I've played thru it so I'm careful with the treble control and bright switch.

The lead channel, I'm having a more difficult time finding a tone that I like on. I have good overdrive tones thru the clean channel using my pedals, so I'm also not super motivated to find one.

I'd recommend it for anything except metal.

I had a ToneKing and I thought the clean was the best I had ever heard but the Lead Channel was uncontrollable volume jumps sort of like a Fender Deville .....does the powerscaling help with that ???

6l6 ??or 6V6 ??

I am looking for Crowdster Plus and Metro in the worst way

04-22-2010, 07:55 PM
I had a ToneKing and I thought the clean was the best I had ever heard but the Lead Channel was uncontrollable volume jumps sort of like a Fender Deville .....does the powerscaling help with that ???

6l6 ??or 6V6 ??

I am looking for Crowdster Plus and Metro in the worst way

Yes it has individual power scaling for each channel, so you can even out the volume on the two channels. It's 4 6V6's. Another thing I did was order some JAN Phillips NOS tubes from KCA NOS Tubes, that helped with the brightness also.

I picked mine up used on eBay for $2300.00, I met the guy a rest area on the NJ Turnpike to pick it up, so no shipping. I watched eBay, TGP, Craigslist and the local papers for months before I found one at the price I was willing to pay. I'm patient like that. I've seen them selling on TGP for $2500.00, which is still a good price considering that to order a new one was a 6 month wait last time I checked.