View Full Version : Is it possible to convert songs in Itunes to MP3??

03-16-2010, 04:37 AM
I have a MacBook Pro and have alot of music that I have purchased from Itunes that I would like to convert to MP3 so I could load them into my Boss eband ...can this be done ??

I got it thanks anyway

03-16-2010, 07:34 AM
1. burn an audio CD

2. set your iTunes to rip to mp3 instead of m4a or whatever.

3. insert the audio CD and re-rip into iTunes.

4. select those newly made files and choose delete, move to trash.

Now you have mp3s in the trash.

But... keep in mind you are not supposed to "give" those away... keep that in mind...

03-16-2010, 07:45 AM
You can do it within iTunes. It is a two step process, but super easy. Takes just a few clicks and a few secs.

Note that you can not copy mp3's of songs that are not DRM free. The ones that say "purchased AAC file" are cool. Also there might be some quality loss going from one compressed format to another. So be sure to use the highest quality MP3 encoding.

Check out this link for the how-to:


03-16-2010, 09:20 PM
thanks guys ..:)

03-16-2010, 09:27 PM
In addition to what was said in the link that dannopelli posted, you can right click on a song in iTunes and it will have an option to "Convert to AAC". If you've done what the aforementioned link said and changed your import settings to MP3, that same right click menu option will say "Convert to MP3" instead.

When the conversion process is complete, you can right click the song again and select "Show in Finder" to go to the song's location. The new song will be in the same directory as the existing AAC version of the song.

Note: this WON'T erase your existing AAC version, so don't worry about losing your original. And don't forget to set the default import setting back to AAC when you've finished. Otherwise any subsequent CD imports you do will be saved as MP3s instead of AAC files.

Also, unless you want to keep the redundant MP3 files laying around your music collection, you can safely delete them after you've moved them to a more convenient location. Just be careful not to delete the AAC version of the file in the process.