View Full Version : Class 5 LP and burstbucker pickups

05-18-2004, 08:16 PM
I'm currently playing a Cranberry Class 5 with Burstbucker (2-neck, 3-bridge) pickups. Wondering if anyone has experience with these, specifically, what would occur if I took the chrome covers off (carefully, of course ;) )

05-19-2004, 01:40 AM
I've tried it with those pick ups... It ends up sounding a little hotter...sort of like you would think it would if you lifted off a metal cover. I enjoy them both ways actually... they both have nice qualities.

05-19-2004, 12:31 PM
Yeah, I imagined it would gie them some more punch. I like the aesthetic of the chrome cover. I will probably yank the covers off next string change and try it out for while. I can always put them back on. I like the looks of the small humbuckers on Danno's new axe.

05-20-2004, 02:14 AM

putr the burst buckers in the bin!

you ll be amazed how your sound improves fitting a better pickup

this is my opinion only - so pls dont jump down my throat you burst bucker fans ( if they exist)

try fralin, wagner, voodoo or selected duncanz


05-20-2004, 05:32 PM
My only complaint with them is that the bridge pickup is sort of thin sounding. I've managed to make them squeal once or twice. i would have thought they were potted.

I've used Duncan Custom and Custom Custom pups. Definitely liked the Custom Custom.

05-21-2004, 01:59 PM
Sometimes the burstbuckers aren't potted...yes, that right, sometimes!

Try this, if your bridge pick up is a little trebley, try lowering the pole-pieces to where they are just under the covers surface. Another this is to make sure the pickup is sitting parralel to the strings....meaning, if the back end is higher to the strings, it will sound thinner since there is more treble responce naturally towards the bridge.

05-21-2004, 04:08 PM
Thanks Bruce. I'll take a look-see at the pole pieces.

05-23-2004, 04:34 PM
You might want to consider taking it to Dave at Richmond Music. Have him give it a once over. He does wonders with adjustments to PUPS. And it will be a WHOLE lot cheaper than buying new PUPS. Plus if you do install new PUPS or take the covers off those you will lower the value of the guitar quite a bit.

Just a thought.

05-23-2004, 04:43 PM
One other thought:

We all seem to think we can fix out own guitars better than a pro. Now sometimes this may be true, especially if we are taking our stuff to a mega super store. And of course strings, minor intonation, and things like that, well we should be able to handle that.

But I would offer some other thoughts...

Most high end shops HAVE TO HAVE a super qualified repair guy on premises. In Richmond we guitarists are lucky to have Dave Thomas fix our axes at Richmond Music, and Tom Lucas at Prism Sound to fix our amps.

Think of it this way. A Gibson Class 5, Tom Aderson, Fender Custom Shop, PRS, etc is a high end instrument. Like a BMW or Merc or Porsche. Would you take one of those to Sears for a tune up? Would you do it yourself?

I guess we all should know how to do minor things. But I have found that when my stuff is out of whack, I take it one of those guys. They have seen hundreds of problems like ours, and get htings up and running VERY fast.

I know Dave has save me hundreds by convincing me to let him adjust my PUPS, rather than just automatically buy new ones that I don't know how to adjust!