View Full Version : The Decimator

05-18-2004, 06:18 PM
I just came back from my lunch break after spending a half hour at Dan's Guitars. What a cool store. In any case, I finally got to hear the ISP Technologies Decimator pedal in action. It's advertised to be the newest and best in noise gate technology and I gotta admit I was pretty impressed. No choking of notes or that nasty hiccuping that sometimes occur with most noise gates. The salesperson plugged it into the loop of a Bogner Uberschall which isn't too noisy for a high gain amp, but we maxed the gain out to see how it would do. And, basically it did its job. We did notice there was a slight boost when turned on. Not sure why:confused: but maybe too compensate for something?? In any case, I think it would be a perfect pedal for those modern high gain amps that are noisy even when the gain is down or those recording death metal guitarists who play and stop on a dime (chugga, chuk, . . . chuk, . . . chuk, .... chugga, ah you get the picture).

05-18-2004, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by pluto
I just came back from my lunch break after spending a half hour at Dan's Guitars. What a cool store. In any case, I finally got to hear the ISP Technologies Decimator pedal in action. It's advertised to be the newest and best in noise gate technology and I gotta admit I was pretty impressed. No choking of notes or that nasty hiccuping that sometimes occur with most noise gates. The salesperson plugged it into the loop of a Bogner Uberschall which isn't too noisy for a high gain amp, but we maxed the gain out to see how it would do. And, basically it did its job. We did notice there was a slight boost when turned on. Not sure why:confused: but maybe too compensate for something?? In any case, I think it would be a perfect pedal for those modern high gain amps that are noisy even when the gain is down or those recording death metal guitarists who play and stop on a dime (chugga, chuk, . . . chuk, . . . chuk, .... chugga, ah you get the picture).

Based on the name, it already fits the Slayer, Children of Bodom, or Dimmu Borgir pedal boards. How loud did you get the Uber, and was there any noticiable loss/change in tone w/ the gate kicked in?

05-18-2004, 07:09 PM
We had the Uberschall somewhat loud, but not obnoxiously loud. I had the master at about 10:00 to begin and then increased it to about 2:00 at the max, but I can't remember where the channel volume was at. It was pushing an Uberkab 4x12. With the pedal "on", there definitely was a boost of the higher frequencies. I think some people might be turned off by that. I never read that it did that before, so I was surprised when I heard the noticeable boost. Those death metal guys will definitely love that pedal (it comes in a rack version too from what I understand). I might buy it for my Mark IV which is kind of noisy compared to my Uberschall and Savage, but I really don't think I need it.