View Full Version : Trem on a T style guitar

01-27-2010, 07:50 PM
Could you guys give me some info,
I am trying to finish a spec on a new Anderson and i am looking at trying a trem on it. Couple of questions, as far as i know Tom uses a Gotoh trem with a push in arm?? if so, can i use it in or out if i choose? and if its out, can it be ordered with a fair amount of tension on it so if i play with my hand on the bridge like i do on my other teles, it wont "waver" If it matters, I had a PRS singlecut trem and found it wasnt difficult to push out of tune as i played.
Its going on a contoured T or hollow T body, talking of which, is there any reason i cant have a hollow T contoured in alder with a all metallic amber body?
Thanks guys.

01-27-2010, 08:12 PM
it can rest on the body and it will be as stable as if it weren't there.
no reason, you can have that.

01-28-2010, 04:37 AM
Thanks for he quick reply as usual Tom,
Just interested in the process of a hollow T on a non drop top guitar, do you still have to "split" the guitar top as if it was maple cap, to do the hollow cavity's in the guitar?

01-28-2010, 06:30 AM
Thanks for he quick reply as usual Tom,
Just interested in the process of a hollow T on a non drop top guitar, do you still have to "split" the guitar top as if it was maple cap, to do the hollow cavity's in the guitar?
With a handful of trained termites you wouldn't need to split the top! ;)

01-28-2010, 10:28 AM
the back is hollowed then the top is glued on. smae process whether it's a fancy top or plain, flat or contoured. the hollowing is different on the flat ones.