View Full Version : how do i get rid of this earth buzz?

sausage fingers
12-26-2009, 08:22 PM
Question here for Tom or anyone that can shed some light on this problem?
I own several guitars and a hollow DT,(soon to have another),when i plug my passive guitars in to my rig,i get this earthy buzz,.
Then when i put my hand on the bridge or strings ,it goes away.
It also happens on my TAG,but there is no buzz with my guitars with EMGs.
I have had them all checked out,all the wires are where they should be,all the
cavitys have had that special paint applied,just cant work it out?
My rig is a Mesa road king with a rack off a power cond,TC G force,Lexicon mx300 and a Rocktron patch mate.
Do i need more earth wires? ,can any one help
cheers sausage from down under:confused:

12-27-2009, 01:04 PM
the emgs have a preamp built into the pick so the signal exits the pickup low impedance. a very quiet system.
all passive systems have lots of exposed high impedance signal running around, much more susceptible to the hum in the air. shielding helps, and the more the merrier, but it is never as complete. since we are good conductors, we act like antenna's for signals in the air when we are not grounded to the guitar. when we are grounded to the guitar, we act s shields. hence the difference when we are or are not touching. this also explains the standing near your amp and turning around , finding the quietest spot. our hollow guitars by nature can not be shielded quite as well because of the hollow spaces.

12-27-2009, 02:08 PM
Also, if when you touch your bridge or strings and hum stops, that is a sign that your guitar is grounded properly.

sausage fingers
12-27-2009, 06:23 PM
Thankyou guys for the info , i know whats going on now.
cheers sausage