View Full Version : Is it true that the Crowdster/Atom body style...

12-26-2009, 11:41 AM
... was inspired by the Larrivee "L" body as I was told on another forum?


12-26-2009, 02:44 PM
yes, the crowdster was definitely inspired by the larrivee L. it's one of my favorite acoustic shapes.
the atom is a stretched and pushed version on the crowdster. you can see that larrrivee had a similar idea with their ct.
in the end most symmetrical shapes are two big curves with a waist in the middle. how tight the waist is has both an effect on looks and how it sits on your knee.

12-26-2009, 05:00 PM
thanks Tom! :)

01-09-2010, 07:24 PM
yes, the crowdster was definitely inspired by the larrivee L. it's one of my favorite acoustic shapes.
the atom is a stretched and pushed version on the crowdster. you can see that larrrivee had a similar idea with their ct.
in the end most symmetrical shapes are two big curves with a waist in the middle. how tight the waist is has both an effect on looks and how it sits on your knee.

Man. That's a refreshing breeze of honesty in a time when so much positioning seems to be the norm.

Tom, you're incredible.

01-10-2010, 07:19 PM
it's like the 6 on a side headstock, there's only so many ways to connect the side where the high e tuner is and the treble side of the nut. after a while there going to all start to look similar.
and with body shapes, people want to something that looks an awful lot like one of 3 shapes out there. when it gets too far from any of those, it's not selling. it is interesting that there is a new batch of offset retro looking guitars this past year. it will be interesting to se if any of them stick.

01-11-2010, 06:00 PM
people want to something that looks an awful lot like one of 3 shapes out there. when it gets too far from any of those, it's not selling. it is interesting that there is a new batch of offset retro looking guitars this past year. it will be interesting to se if any of them stick.

I'm even worse. For me, If it's single-cut, I want it with no trem, and if it has a trem and it's single-cut, I'm generally interested (okay... maybe a Bigsby), and if it's double-cut (strat shaped or PRS even) I gotta have a trem or it's weird to me.

But I agree, I have only ever had one guitar that wasn't a "classic" shape and it didn't stay with me long.