View Full Version : Your choice of strings

12-13-2009, 04:03 AM
This has a bit of back story...

I went to the store to by a loaf of bread. Of course being that its the weekend and the time of day I went the lines were all very long. I hopped in a line and the couple that were in front of me had a shopping cart FULL and overflowing with items. They insisted that I go ahead of them. I graciously said "thank you" and went to hand the cashier my bread. The cashier had already rung up two items of the person in front of me. The very kind lady told the cashier that they were going to let me go ahead because I just had the one item. *This is where it gets a bit strange.* The cashier said that he already started ringing up the customer and didnt want to void it. The lady took the loaf of bread out of my hands handed it to the cashier and told him that they'd pay for it. I repeatedly told them "no" that I could wait because I was in no hurry and thanked them for the kind offer. The lady looked at me and said "he already rang it up and you know how he is about that." I could not express the gratitude that I had for this woman, its so rare to find people that will just do something good. I promised her that I would share her kindness with someone else.

the first person that sends me a PM let me know what kind of strings you like and i will go to the store tomorrow pick them up and ship them to you. Its on me! :) :)


The bread was only $1.50 :o

12-13-2009, 10:30 AM
if more people realized what a profound difference a small act of kindness can make, there'd be a lot more of them being done. nice response chris.

12-13-2009, 11:14 AM
thanks stys for the response, i will get those to you today or tomorrow.

Tom's absolutely right, it really did a number on me and I couldnt let it go unnoticed or unappreciated.

Merry Christmas Guys

12-13-2009, 03:48 PM
Chris, thank you for your kindness. My design group at work has sponsored a homeless Veteran. We recently put the Veteran up in a furnished apartment and provided him a job. He is great blues player with little money leftover for new strings and cables. Once I receive the strings, I will re-string the Veteran's guitar. He will have fresh strings when he plays at his occupational group Christmas party.


12-13-2009, 07:04 PM
Stys: PM sent

12-13-2009, 08:51 PM
this is gonna make a bigger difference than i thought it would. it warms my heart to hear good stories like yours, mark

I shipped it straight from musiciansfriend to you and it should be there in the next few days.


12-14-2009, 05:08 PM
Thank you to FFog for his act of kindness. Next Monday, we are having our year end Christmas party and our Veteran will be present. I hope to post pictures of the event. Christmas will be so much brighter thanks to the Anderson family!!! Tom has a great bunch of "kids".

irish blues
12-19-2009, 08:06 PM
Mark -

I have 3 sets of acoustic strings - If you can use them, I will get them in the mail to you.

PM me your address.

irish blues

12-20-2009, 01:45 PM
Thanks to all who contributed their kindness. I received the electric strings from Mr. White yesterday. Tomorrow is our year end party and I look forward to presenting our Veteran with the gifts from the Anderson family.

12-20-2009, 04:52 PM
you'll have to let us know how everything goes

12-23-2009, 01:38 PM
We had a fantastic Holiday party with our sponsored Veteran and families of the sick children we also raise money for. I am afraid I can not post pictures because we had all our 2012 and beyond vehicles on display. Security did not allow cameras in our styling studio.

Gerry, our Veteran was touched by the Anderson kindness. With fresh strings and a new cable, Gerry treated the audience with music that came deep from his heart. With a new job, an apartment and his music, life has come around full circle. My co-workers asked who the Anderson people are and all I could say was, "The most caring guitar players in the world."

The Pay it Forward concept works. That being said, I will gladly pay forward my employee discount to Anderson guitar players in the market for a new Chrysler, Dodge or Jeep.