View Full Version : VA Booster

10-27-2009, 05:29 AM
Tom how can i easily convert all of my andersons to the VA booster? I have 3 TA's with the split coil switch and want the benfits of the boost? Does the boost affect each pickup depending upon the pickup selection of the 5 way switch or is it just on one pickup. either way it sounds great. I never liked the split coil sound.

10-27-2009, 10:23 AM
the boost is a separate thing . it is either on or off, not dependant on any other switching.

10-27-2009, 06:18 PM
the boost goes between the volume pot and the guitar output jack. So it will do its thing to all the tone settings. Like Tom says.
I have the boost...very very useful. I like to use it when I need just "a little more," and also, it makes the over drive sound a little bit creamier. It's a winner!

10-28-2009, 08:25 PM
1. Is the VA booster equalized evenly for all frequencies, or is their a mid-range emphasis like the Demeter on-board boost or the circuit in the Fender Clapton signature Strat? I tried the Fralin baseplate a few years ago on my VA12 bridge pickup, but it made a negligible difference on thickening the bridge position. I took off the baseplate when I installed the Suhr BPSSC to avoid having to get a separate ground wire for it.

2. I have a Classic w/VA1s and a VA12 in the bridge & 7-way switching (serial #05-02-03P). It was set up to get the hotter setting from my bridge pickup when the selector switch is in the bridge position, but the tapped lower output when I have the bridge-middle selected (still a brilliant idea). Rather than a dedicated boost on/boost off switch, shouldn't it also be possible to engage the booster when the 5-way selector switch is only in the bridge position? Granted, use of the boost would be severely limited, but that's the only time when I would want it. I also don't have to cut a hole in the pickguard for another switch.

3. Does the boost circuit require a battery?

4. Would I be able to buy the boost from you through my dealer and install it myself? If so, what would be your list price?

5. I changed the middle pickup to a non-reverse VA1 so I could use the Suhr BPSSC. I trust that shouldn't interfere w/the booster? Thanks.

P.S. Thanks for the help last year to find the correct Ferraglides.

10-29-2009, 10:16 AM
1. it makes things fatter. it's nothing like those active boosts. it's more of a character change than a volume boost. things sound louder cause their fatter, but we're not talking many db of boost.
2. the boost came out of out tapped va12 and 23 series. those were tapped coils to get 2 sounds. we tried to simulate that with an external box to make other combinations easier to do. so what you have in the VA12 can not be applied to other pickups on the guitar.
3.no battery.
4. we try to avoid selling the boosts as every one we've sold has gotten installed wrong outside the shop. it also can be tricky making room for it.
5. would not be a problem.
you are welcome.

10-29-2009, 01:15 PM
In essence, the VA booster concept is applying what I already have on my VA12 to all of your VA pickups?
Since the VA booster is an external box, could I apply it to fatten the "bridge only" position of my VA12 even further?
Would you be able to wire it so it only comes on in the "bridge only" position without an external switch?
Since shipping to and from Hawaii is a little more expensive, would I be able to ship only the pickguard assembly rather than the entire guitar to you for this retrofit? If that's okay, let me know if you want the BPSSC to be sent along with it.
I could ship it direct and you could return it through my dealer so I could pay through him.

10-29-2009, 02:31 PM
sonically yes, it is the same end result. it is post volume control so it can not be turned on with the 5 way. it would be on all sounds or none. if you are after just boosting the bridge pickup, you might be better off with a VA23 in the bridge position. it would give you a hotter bridge position. it would also mean the 4 position would be a combo of the middle with a va2 instead of your current va1.

10-29-2009, 02:43 PM
Ah...I am one of the people who installed it on my own had some problems. So, you can blame it all (or part of it) on me!

But, in my defense, eventually I wired it-up so that it worked and it is a great sound.

what I like about it is:

1) No batteries needed
2) makes a Strat-like guitar have a creamier overdrive (when using with a tube screamer type of pedal). It definitely thickens-up the single note solos!
3) small enough so that guitar does not need to be routed-out

10-29-2009, 03:37 PM
your situation was not all your fault, we still love you.

10-31-2009, 03:32 PM

Thanks Tom!!

10-31-2009, 06:13 PM
Roy described it as a switch that makes it feel like you have installed the next hotter set of pickups- it is pretty subtle but I like it very much. I had mine installed by sending the entire pickup assembly of my classic to TAGW.