View Full Version : Hollow T Classic - pickups?

Ray K.
10-23-2009, 10:11 PM
I have a Hollow T Classic on the way (03-13-08N). It has a TV1 and TV3. I have no doubt I'll love these pickups, but really need hum canceling for live use.

What are your suggestions/recommendations?

I'm fine with "vintage" sounds, but wouldn't mind if especially the bridge would get just a bit aggressive with the volume control full open. I'm not a "country" only player, so I would like as much versatility as possible.

Also, can the TF series be split? Nothing is mentioned in the online catalog.

Ray K.

10-24-2009, 07:47 AM
If you want to maintain the vintage look go for the TF series. I find them to be very close in sound to the TV's but they are hum cancelling.

Ray K.
10-24-2009, 10:13 AM
Thanks Dan.

So, a TF1 in the neck. Going by the online catalog description, I'm leaning toward the TF3 for the bridge. A bit hotter. Do you know if it will clean up well when I roll back on the volume?

I'm also still curious if these can be split. I may not even wire them up that way initially, but it would be a nice bonus if they had the capability.

Ray K.

p.s., Dan I sent you a PM.

10-24-2009, 10:14 AM
we don't split the tf's or sf's. we designed them to sound right when humcancelling. if you were to split them they get pretty darn bright and edgy.

Ray K.
10-24-2009, 10:25 AM
Thanks Tom. It is certainly not a deal breaker. I was just curious. :)

Ray K.