View Full Version : Your Musical Career Choice

Stan Malinowski
05-11-2004, 06:45 AM
Fictional Question:

You could make a comfortable living in one of the 3 musically related careers, which would you choose?

1) Guitarist (Live & Studio Performing)
2) Luthier
3) Amp/Effects Designer

My choice would be 3) Amp/Effects Designer. Even though I love playing and love working on my own guitars I never can seem to get enough of learning and tearing about amps and effects. It must be the geekeness that was engrained in me when I went to college for engineering?

05-11-2004, 08:14 AM
#1 AND #2

Guitarist primarily and Luthier when I'm home not out playing.
That would rock.

05-11-2004, 10:07 AM
I'd go for #1, since I'd rather be playing guitar than anything else I can think of past spending time with my wife and kids. Another music related carrer I would love to have would be running a boutique guitar shop.

05-11-2004, 12:24 PM

i'll get into it someday.. just need to start buying tools. i wish there was somewhere i could intern at, or job shadow to learn a few things.


Marty S Horne
05-11-2004, 12:35 PM
#1. Playing guitar is the passion of my life. I played all through high school and college and went full-time as soon as I got out. After ten years I got married, got a regular job and didn't play a gig for ten years. In 1990 I moved to Florida and have been playing full time ever since. I'm not getting rich but I'm very happy.

Stan Malinowski
05-11-2004, 12:37 PM
i wish there was somewhere i could intern at, or job shadow to learn a few things.


There are a few "schools" which offer 1/2 week courses in luthiery (is this really a word?). I've seen them advertised in Vintage Guitar Mag & (I think) Guitar Player. Might be a cool way to spend a vacation (your wife/significant other/family if applicable may not agree).

05-11-2004, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by joe1962
I'd go for #1, since I'd rather be playing guitar than anything else I can think of past spending time with my wife and kids. Another music related carrer I would love to have would be running a boutique guitar shop.

Ditto for me! I have been seriously contemplating the boutique shop in my area for about 6 months now. Was kind of inspired after reading an article about the guys at Indoor Storm. I think I would have some financial backing and there isn't anything like that currently in the Indianapolis area. I would like nothing more than to become the first Indiana Anderson dealer:D

But if I could play guitar and support my family...and get to see them regularly...that would be it!


05-11-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by joe1962
I'd go for #1, since I'd rather be playing guitar than anything else I can think of past spending time with my wife and kids. Another music related carrer I would love to have would be running a boutique guitar shop.

Amen Brother.
Im on exactly the same page as you, dont have kids yet but just love playing so very much. Lets open a shop! LOL!:cool:


01-18-2005, 07:39 PM
Although my choice is #1 b/c I like playing live most of all (and miss the days when I was in a touring act), I wish there were some other choices like recording engineer, cuzz that might be fun (though recording bands that suck --and people you don't like -- wouldn't). Mixing live gigs is pretty interesting too...eliciting good mixes is a very fine art, IMO.

Also, I've been toying with the idea of some type of music software thing. I'm a bit of an open source software buff and that world desperately needs a good band-in-a-box / quitar pro equivalent. Also, I'd like something that I can program crazy polyrhythms into....anyway, music software development appeals to the nerd in me.

I think my best bet at this stage in the game would be to play jazz/fusion and covers casually on the weekends. At least that's what I'm most interested in doing now. I have a career and am thinking about starting a family. Chances are good there won't be many major career shifts for me in the near future, though who really knows what's in store?

01-18-2005, 09:53 PM
Hey Stan,

I would have to go with choice number 1, playing live. I love playing live music more then anything in the world.

I attended a music college over 10 years ago, but I ultimately took the path of a steady paycheck and stable career. I have friends from college that pressed on with their music and are living the dream of playing guitar and touring the world for a living.

01-19-2005, 12:38 PM
as the young Steve Vai said: "When i grow up i wanna be a famus rock 'n roll guitar player!"
:cool: :D

01-19-2005, 01:42 PM
I love playing live, so I'd have to say #1. But these days there's planty of room for guys to get into the whole manufacturers side of things by starting a relationship with a pre-existing company and repping for them or checking out all of the DIY gear sites online to get a personal product going.

King Cobra
01-19-2005, 04:51 PM
Fictional Question:

You could make a comfortable living in one of the 3 musically related careers, which would you choose?

1) Guitarist (Live & Studio Performing)
2) Luthier
3) Amp/Effects Designer

My choice would be 3) Amp/Effects Designer. Even though I love playing and love working on my own guitars I never can seem to get enough of learning and tearing about amps and effects. It must be the geekeness that was engrained in me when I went to college for engineering?

I was actually offered an apprenticeship from Tony Bruno in exchange to help him get chassis ready, packing and shipping........etc. But when I started spending every night after work with him my wife threatened divorce.
(it was THAT serious.) I sort of regret it becuase I really enjoyed it..........but my wife and kids need me too. :(

I'll never find an oppourtunity like that again. So I'll settle for #1 a few days a month. :(

01-19-2005, 05:02 PM
#1. Again, someday.


brian b
01-19-2005, 05:43 PM
#1 If only I could get the Rock Star pose down. But #2 would also be cool.

Jon Henrik
02-01-2005, 03:27 PM
I would have to say #1.

That's actually a career that I will try to accomplish..so in 5-10 years we'll see ;)

02-05-2005, 01:41 PM
...have to go with number 1.

There is nothing like walking out in front of a few thousand people and doing exactly what makes you happy, seeing it make them happy and getting a paycheck for it. Sometimes I wonder why they don't make me pay for having that much fun.

I have had some success but not enough to quit the day job. Now, where is that Fairy Godmother anyway...............

02-07-2005, 09:40 PM
I'd definitely have to go with #1, as that is the only one of the three I have experience with and a passion for.

02-15-2005, 12:08 AM
Great question Stan!

I have done 1 & 2. Am still very fond of 2 having spent 10 years repairing musical instruments before moving on to other things. It's something I'll go back to someday. Being involved in the music industry in that capacity was very rewarding personally. 1 is something I'm dabbling with again after nearly 10 years of playing just for me. As for 3, I have a good understanding of electron flow being an x-ray tech but would rather stick to Kilovolts and photon production. There are so many talanted people building amps and effects already and they all have great ideas.
