View Full Version : SC pickups. Getting the most out of them.

Ray K.
10-12-2009, 08:25 AM
Disclaimer: I realize this subject is subjective... ;) I also searched and searched without much luck.

I just acquired a TA Classic with SC1's and an SC3 bridge.

I've got it set up to perfection and used it live last night. The SC's are very nice sounding (and quiet!) stacked pickups. But, I'm wondering if I can get a bit more 'spank' from them. Not harsh or ice pick highs, but something more smooth. Okay, yes, a bit closer to vintage sounding, but it doesn't have to be full on. My #1 priority is they need to be hum canceling, so going to a set of VA's is probably not the answer to the question.

So, I'm asking for basic setup suggestions from anyone that would like to "chime" in...get it? :rolleyes:

The only other stacked single coils I've dealt with are Lace's. I currently run a set of Holy Grails in another S-type guitar. They can be cranked up as high as I like with little to no string pull.

So, can someone give me at least a starting point and I'll take it from there.

Thanks much,
Ray K.

10-12-2009, 09:48 AM
hmmmm...here's a long shot....angle them different? less bass here, more treble there, I mean very minimal adjustments, like, fractions of a millimeter......I had great results just switching to a different string brand.....I use SFs....havent had much experience with the SCs.... wondering if there is a sonic difference between the SF and SC single coils?......

Ray K.
10-12-2009, 11:18 AM
harritone, good points and I appreciate your trying to help!

Yeah, I'm clueless about the difference between the SC and SF pickups also.

Anyway, I always run the bass sides lower for a better E to E balance. I hadn't thought about changing to a different brand of string as I'm in love with Elixirs. But, if needed I could try that. I didn't think to mention I'm using 9's.

Also, at home I originally set them up with the bridge about 1/16" below the high E. That's while fretting at the 22nd. My wife commented that the guitar sounded too bright. Thinking the same thing, I lowered them a bit - bingo!!

More than likely I need to run them back up. As is pretty much common knowledge, and I think Tom mentioned this in a thread recently, what sounds "right" at home most like won't be in a live environment.

I think I'll try moving them back up closer (brighter sounding). We have rehearsal Wed & Thur night getting ready for a 3-date mini tour. All I need is my phillips head to tweak if needed. No one will mind, it's just a matter of if I'll have enough time.

I would still like to hear from Tom and others about the characteristics of these pickups. In other words, do I need to be concerned about string pull? Is the 1/16" recommendation in the Technical Stuff section of the web site a good starting point?

We're doing a few songs that are down right Funk with a capital "F!" I'm playing clean, except for the obligatory wah. I'm really hoping the Classic will be able to pull duty for those.


10-12-2009, 11:27 AM
treble side can go as high as you want, it should et brighter. bass side will affect the strings if you get super close, but it will probably be too bassy by then.
the sc's and sf's are essentially the same but the sc has a bit more magnet to boost the signal a bit since the cover keeps it a bit further from the strings.

Ray K.
10-12-2009, 01:19 PM

Thanks for the explanation! That's exactly what I was hoping to hear and it will help me greatly with getting my SC's dialed in.

Ahh, interesting about the difference of the SC and SF pickups. Can you please have Roy add that in the next version of the online pickup catalog? :)

Ray K.

10-12-2009, 06:44 PM
roy is on overload around here so i don't want to give him anything else to do:)