View Full Version : anderson versus suhr

09-29-2003, 10:10 AM
hi guys,
i'm new...has anyone ever A/Bd a tom anderson versus a john suhr?

i've played many different brands of guitars but never played a suhr.


09-29-2003, 07:35 PM
I've played both as my local dealer carries both lines. The Suhrs are absolutely 100% the same in terms of quality. I actually like the neck "feel" of the Suhrs a little bit more than the Andersons-I played a classic and a standard and both had a broken-in feel on the necks. Also, I think the Suhr maple tops are the best looking in the 2000-3000 price range. The standard I played had a maple top that looked like a McNaught as it was outrageous. That being said, however, I own Andersons and not Suhrs because: 1) I'm a big fan of the smaller scale cobras (I don't think Suhr has a short scale guitar); 2) I like the hollow body chambers and it seems Anderson has more hollow chambered guitars around; 3) I really feel a loyalty towards Anderson. Roy and Tom have always taken care of me when I have had problems/requests and questions. In any case, I really don't think you can go wrong with either-with that type of quality, it's just a matter of preference.

Stan Malinowski
10-07-2003, 11:39 AM
I just recently owned a Suhr Tele which I had picked up off eBay. I actually ended up selling it within 3 weeks after buying it. I must admit that a big part of it was the fact that was a Tele design. No matter how much I try to want to like Teles I just don't have it in me!

The Suhr had a Large V neck carve which was comfortable but I still prefer the 1 11/16" Anderson 62 Roundback. With the Suhr I found the neck just got too big as went above the 13th fret or so. I also never really found an "mojo" with this Suhr. It just never called me to play it like my Andersons & Groshs do. Overall I was a little disappointed in my Suhr experience, it always left me a bit cold after each play.

10-07-2003, 02:54 PM
It's funny how subjective tone and feel are! I was at my dealer's store yesterday and played a new Suhr he just had. Damn-that neck was perfect. I think it was Suhr's standard C neck and it felt better than any other guitar neck that I've owned. It's a little less flat than the Anderson standard and felt really broken in. I was tempted to buy it, but I'm looking for another amp.

John Price
11-01-2003, 11:01 PM
Anderson! ;) :D