View Full Version : A few questions for the moderators...

05-07-2004, 04:38 PM
1. When logging into the site, we are first presented with a screen that includes the following:

-The Image gallery:
Guitar owned by Forum members- From Crowdsters to Cobras see them here!
-Switching systems:
Want to know how your Anderson Switching works?-- Check in here
-Neck Carves:
Sizes for the necks carves on your Anderson
-Music by Forum Members
Music that has been built with a Anderson guitar

So where is all that stuff?

2) There is a pull down menu with several additional categories. But there seems to be no way to access those? Are they for future use?

3)How do you post images?



Jack Gretz
05-07-2004, 05:05 PM
I am working on it behind the scenes.

You can send your photos to me at

email (jack@magdonmusic.com)

List your guitar model serial number and options and I will start them in a list for all to view.

I have almost all of the other sections finished and I will have them ready in about a week.

05-07-2004, 06:05 PM
you really are super jack!

05-07-2004, 08:21 PM

Stan Malinowski
05-08-2004, 08:07 AM
Hopefully Mark Stys will share some of his music with us. He has sent me 2 CDs worth of his work and I am quite impressed.

05-08-2004, 08:17 AM
Stan, thanks for the compliment. Feel free to use the music as you wish. If you need additional CDs, please let me know.

Once again, many thanks for your kind words.