View Full Version : So much bass in my Crowdster Plus

08-15-2009, 08:42 AM
Any ideas? I have the bass turned all the way down and still have too much bass for my Bose system. Am I doing something wrong?

08-15-2009, 10:22 AM
I'm assuming you're talking about the acoustic side of the guitar? I first tried my crowdster plugged into a bose system and noticed the same thing. I think it's partially the guitar and partially the system. I turned my bass down and my treble and mids up which helped, but I also had to turn the bass down on the system - those things can have a LOT of low end. I was a bit worried, but then I plugged in a small boddied taylor and found the same thing. Plugged into a PA, my crowdster is fine, I just run the bass lower than all of the others. Do you have an acoustic with a pickup that you can compare it to?

08-15-2009, 11:31 AM
most acoustic amps i've played have a built in bass boost to help the real acoustics make bass. sitting any amp on the floor adds close to 6db more bass. the simplest thing to try is elevating the cab slightly i much prefer the sound of cutting at the board or amp to cutting that severely at the guitar. if the board has a high pass filter, most do i will cut there at 120-150htz for band situations where you've got other things competing for bass. for solo stuff i'll leave more in.

08-15-2009, 04:33 PM
Thanks guys. I play through the Bose system. I'll try it on an acoustic amp at Guitar Denter.

I don't play in bands, just solo or the occasional duo with Joe (another Crowdster fan).

08-23-2009, 08:34 AM
That advice worked wonders. I used the T1 module with the Bose system and cut those frequencies. Now I can use my bass knob again.