View Full Version : Bill Champlin (Chicago) news.............

08-12-2009, 10:52 PM
Just read on another forum that Bill Champlin will be leaving Chicago after something like 28 yrs, to do more solo stuff. He'll be heading out to do some concerts to promote his new CD---"No Place Further To Fall".

I bought this CD off itunes about a yr. ago. Great stuff. Highly recommend it.


08-14-2009, 12:55 PM
Those of us who grew up in Marin back in the "dark ages", grew up with Bill Champlin and the Sons of Champlin, who were as funky as Tower of Power. Terry Haggerty was/is one of the best guitarists in the business and why he remained unheralded remains one of life's mysteries. You can still see the Sons perform occasionally around the north bay when Bill was on hiatus from Chicago.
Their live album recorded at the Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa is a spectacular album.

Chicago seemed to be getting long in the tooth. Bill keeps rollin' on.

08-14-2009, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the news.
Those of us who grew up in Marin back in the "dark ages", grew up with Bill Champlin and the Sons of Champlin, who were as funky as Tower of Power. Terry Haggerty was/is one of the best guitarists in the business and why he was unheralded remains one of life's mysteries. You can still see the Sons perform occasionally around the north bay when Bill is (was) on hiatus from Chicago.
Their live album recorded at the Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa a few years ago is a spectacular album.

Chicago seemed to be getting long in the tooth. Bill keeps rollin' on.