View Full Version : Questions about HCDT switching

07-13-2009, 05:16 PM
If a Hollow Droptop Classic has the following electronics:

Pickups - SA1R SA1 H2+
Switching - 5 Way, Mini Switch Splits, Pull Adds Bridge, Vintage Voicing

Does the Mini split just the H2+, or does it also "split" the stacked SAs? May I assume the 5 Way works normally, and Pull Adds Bridge works primarily in positions 1 and 2?

Also, what is the best way to subjectively describe the differences in tone between SA and SF pickups in this kind of situation? Sorry if this is a well-worn topic. Thanks!

07-13-2009, 05:51 PM
wiring has been changing lately so this is a good question.
with Sa's the splitter would be a master splitter splitting all. the exception is the B5 wiring which keeps the humbucker full in position 5(bridge only).
the SF's and SC's are made to be run in humcancelling mode all the time. we worked hard on the humcancelling tone and did not consider what it would sound like split. they have an extended soft top end compared to the SA's in humcancelling mode. more VA sounding, but i'd still say smoother over all.
5 way add bridge is normal across the board.

07-14-2009, 11:49 PM
Thanks again, Tom!

So.......I am thinking that if I want single coils that were vintage-y but noiseless, I should consider the SF's. I have read elsewhere that splitting the SA's actually causes a volume increase (not sure I would like that?), and I would still want an H2+ in the bridge position of a S-S-H guitar; Of course the M1-M1-M3 option also beckons....the choices, the choices....I can see why some people here have multiple TAGs! At least with a Classic I can always trade out pickguards if I want to try out completely different pickup combinations.

07-15-2009, 12:03 AM
The SF's are absolutely awesome pickups! Two of my Andersons have a SF2R - SF2 - HN3+ pickup combo and I love the sound of the SF's! They also go very well with a hot bridge pickup in my opinion.

07-17-2009, 04:29 AM
I didn't like the SA's in my drop top so I swapped them out for Kinmans... typical that Tom then came out with EXACTLY what I was missing from my SA's... :rolleyes:

However, when I had the Kinman's fitted I asked the tech to make the split work on the H2+ only and now it's perfect. :D :D


07-18-2009, 06:24 PM
Well, to make it official:


This was basically a surprise off eBay- I just received it yesterday- an HDTC that had the exact specs I was looking for, save the pickups which I can easily change. It looks like the previous owner never touched it.....!

So far it is just wonderful to play, and is quite the contrast from my Cobra (that's also how I explained it to my wife, but I will now run out of excuses if I get an Atom CT!). I will play with the SA's for awhile and consider replacing them with SF's (and have the mini only split the H2+), vs ordering a new pickguard loaded with M1-M1-M3. Or maybe even SF-SF-M3? (żes possible?):cool:

08-12-2009, 11:42 PM
OK, update on my original question. Given the original electronics and switching of the above mentioned HDTC:

Pickups - SA1R SA1 H2+
Switching - 5 Way, Mini Switch Splits, Pull Adds Bridge, Vintage Voicing

How difficult would it be to update it to the current standard:

Pickups - SF1R SF1 H2+
Switching - 5 Way, Mini Splits Bridge, VA Booster, Pull Adds Bridge, Vintage Voicing?

Can this be done locally (or even by myself with rudimentary soldering skills) or should I: 1) pull the pickguard/electronics and send it back to TAG; or 2) Send the entire guitar back to TAG? I am finding I am not enamored with the SA's, and I am thinking I may ultimately be happier with a more classic tone vs the M pickups (though I really need to try the M's again, this time without my wife going "can we leave now??").