View Full Version : Affect of a middle pickup on Hollow T

06-28-2009, 01:01 PM
Does having a middle pickup on a Hollow T affect the T style quack of a standard 2 pickup Hollow T? I'm interested in the tonal possibilities, but don't want to risk polluting the classic tone.

06-29-2009, 10:56 AM
I don't know, maybe somehow it does, but I love my hollow T with three pups! Just get a push/pull tone switch to add the bridge to the neck and neck/middle positions and you get all the standard Tele combos too. It's a super versatile guitar.

Here's a (bad) pic of mine.


06-29-2009, 01:33 PM
Nice. Do you also have a boost switch between the colume and tone?

I don't know, maybe somehow it does, but I love my hollow T with three pups! Just get a push/pull tone switch to add the bridge to the neck and neck/middle positions and you get all the standard Tele combos too. It's a super versatile guitar.

Here's a (bad) pic of mine.


06-30-2009, 10:56 AM
Thanks. Nope, it's a splitter switch on the TD3+.

By the way, this one might be up for sale soon. I really thought this was a lifer but the economy is hurting me bad...kinda embarassing and sad but true. The only consolation is that I can sort things out and then buy a new one and, in the meantime, the new owner of this one will be happy.

Nice. Do you also have a boost switch between the colume and tone?