View Full Version : Got my Hollow T back today!!!!!!!

05-03-2004, 10:14 PM
Ahhhh-----the thrill and anticipation of watching for the UPS truck. The fun of bringing it into the house and carefully cutting the tape to open the Tom Anderson box. You slide the case out and step back for a second. ( I know------I really need to get a life , but let me have my fun here). OK------here we go. Open the case--------there it is! Looks perfect. Beautiful butterscotch Hollow T Classic with brand new SS frets. A new powerbridge. The black, thicker pickgaurd that I asked for. New strap buttons. It's all there.
I bought this one used (1997) and feel like I have a 2004 model. Everything's just as I wanted it. The new frets are perfect. Plays wonderful.
Thanks Bruce and Tom. I couldn't be happier with the service and the work done.

05-04-2004, 01:54 AM
You're welcome... With all that we upgraded/replaced it's should be a 2004 model. How are the Stainless Steel medium frets feeling?

05-04-2004, 09:53 AM
Hey GM,
We all go through that. I swear when the ups guy comes up and I slowly open the box and slide the case out. I lay the case down for a few minutes and contemplate the moment I am about to have when I open the case on my new baby for the first time. Words almost fall short, pure joy! Even when I just got my hollow T back for a little work, it was the same.:)


05-04-2004, 12:17 PM
Bruce-----the frets feel great. I'm really glad I went with the mediums. It's easier for me to play in tune. I tend to push alittle hard on the strings which can make some notes go sharp. Love the SS! Such a nice smooth feel.
The pickguard seems like kind of a silly thing------but I like this one so much better. Just more of a solid feel.
I havn't even tried the powerbridge thru my amp yet-------but TONIGHT------I 'm setting the whole rig up and spending LOTS of time in "the basement". Thanks again!

05-04-2004, 11:36 PM
Gasman... Great! Let 'er rip!