View Full Version : Why not a RW pup in the middle as usually???

06-24-2009, 04:16 PM
So, Tom my question is obvious.

I love the "quack" in the 2 and 4 positions of a strat style guitar and i think the most of TAGs has the RW pup in neck position, or i am wrong?

Is there a particural reason?

Ιt has to do something with the splitting with the bridge pup?

06-24-2009, 04:45 PM
you are wrong...but that's ok.
when there is a humbucker, the "r" does not go in the middle. the "normal" wind humcancels with our split humbuckers.

06-24-2009, 05:03 PM
Yes Tom but that way i can't have the quack sound when split bridge and middle pup. I don't get it....

I mean you know of course but is it a sound compromise to have a RW in the middle with humbuckers?

06-24-2009, 05:44 PM
i'm afraid i don't understand what you're asking.
when you split our humbuckers, they hum cancel with our normal wound singles. you do not need the reverse wind to get the humcancelling. reverse or not has only to do with humcancelling ability, not quack. quack comes from pickup position relative to the other pickup.

06-25-2009, 05:15 AM
Thanks Tom, probably i've had a wrong understanding for the issue...

I thought that the quack has to do with the splitting AND with the reverse polarity....

Anyway, what if i have a H-S-H with a RW in the middle (true single or humbucker in a single size)?

If i have a true single will not work properly because of 250k and 500k?

06-25-2009, 10:18 AM
if you split the hb by shorting the center tap to ground, it will not humcancel with the Rw middle single. if you split by connecting the center tap to hot it will humcancel.
the single and splits want to see 250k, the hb wants to see 500k. we accomplish that byt switching vintage voicing in and out depending which pu selection is made.
what guitar is this in and what pickups are you using?

06-25-2009, 04:40 PM
the serial is 12-08-04A

so, the giutar has H-S-H and the middle is the SA1...i was thinking why not something like the SA1R in the middle as i don't hear too much quack as i hear in other gutars with RW in the middle...but (if i understood well) the RW has nothing to do with quack...

maybe is on my mind but a strat style guitar which i have with Seymour Duncans - a '59 in the bridge (PAF) and a single RW in the middle has tones of quack

the only reason that i can think is that the drop top has a hotter bridge pup, so in the split situation don't "clear" as well...

in the end, is something that determine the percentage of quack in a guitar?

06-25-2009, 05:35 PM
the weaker pickup would "quack" better. the "reverse" part has only to do with humcancelling.

06-25-2009, 05:44 PM
ok Tom, thnx for the clearing of this issue

06-25-2009, 09:26 PM
Also, lower the middle pup a little bit. This always help with the quack. And, If you have a pretty hot bridge pup, roll the volume off a little too for more quack.

I have an HF2 bridge and an SF middle and neck, and my classic quacks as well as any pure singlecoil ax I have owned. Split or full humbucking.