View Full Version : tom's got 500

05-03-2004, 09:12 PM
watch out Stan, tom's on the rise and catching up quick!!;)

thanks to both Stan and tom for making this forum one of the most friendly and informative. everyone's done a wonderful job at perpetuating that "shiney, happy people" buzz that is so prevalent w/in the TAG shop (most of the time :p )

05-03-2004, 10:37 PM
i haven't been watching, maybe i could boost my numbers by doing some "welcome" posts. i try not to answer all there are, because it is great to hear you all participate and voice your opinions. please don't ever let me step on what you have to say, everyone's entitled to their opinion. this is not my forum, it is for all who want to participate.

05-03-2004, 11:50 PM
I agree, this is really a great forum.
Tom's allright too (every other wednesday after the third full moon of each leap year) LOL!!:D
All joking aside, great forum, nice people, glad I can be a participant in it.


Scott Peterson
05-04-2004, 06:50 AM
This forum is a highlight of my day most every day. Kudos to Stan, Jack and all from Anderson that post here. The membership is dedicated, knowledgeable and passionate. This is good stuff!

Stan Malinowski
05-04-2004, 07:12 AM
Bummer, you go away on family business for a few days and Tom sneaks right up on my tail!:D

I still have a LONG way to go to catch up with Scott Peterson's 10,000+ posts on the old PRS Forum.:D

05-04-2004, 09:56 AM
sorry stan, i really wasn't keeping track. i didn't realize anyone kept track. i'm still trying to figure out how i became a senior member. does that mean i get a discount at denny's?

05-04-2004, 05:39 PM
I propose a toast to another 500!

In good health, of course!

05-04-2004, 05:40 PM
For both, Stan & Tom, of course!

05-04-2004, 05:43 PM
And since we're toasting, I propose a toast to the demise of foil wrap!


Make that Reynold’s Foil Wrap!

05-04-2004, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by sonsop
And since we're toasting, I propose a toast to the demise of foil wrap!


Make that Reynold’s Foil Wrap!

What's wrong with Reynold's foil wrap?? It's the only way I can reheat my old Papa John's pizza in the little toaster oven.

05-04-2004, 07:40 PM
valid point, pluto.

Scott Peterson
05-05-2004, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
Bummer, you go away on family business for a few days and Tom sneaks right up on my tail!:D

I still have a LONG way to go to catch up with Scott Peterson's 10,000+ posts on the old PRS Forum.:D

It was 14,500+ over 3 years... but who was counting. :D

I have a life now so that won't happen again. :D:D

05-06-2004, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by Scott Peterson
It was 14,500+ over 3 years... but who was counting. :D

Scott, I remember back in early 2000 when I procured my first PRShttp://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/vscared.gif, a custom 24, cherry sunburst, birds, flame, 10 top. You were always responding to my lame, newbie questions. Here's to your next 10,000 postshttp://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/crp_pants.gif, and thank you for your dedication (then and now!)