View Full Version : Crowdster+/Acoustic Questions

06-15-2009, 10:42 PM
I have some questions on the crowdster vs. acoustics. i have a martin hd-28v a larrivee om-03. so here a couple of questions in relation to the crowdster vs. my acoustics:

1) both acoustic guitars need re-fretting. is it feasible to have the feiten system "installed" on acoustic guitars?

2) if so what kind of work is involved?

3) can the acoustic guitars be set up to play as well as the crowdster?

thanks for the input.


06-16-2009, 08:10 AM
Hi, Brian,
I can answer two of your questions and opine on the third.

The BFTS is available for acoustics. You'll need to check their site http://www.buzzfeiten.com/dealers/dealers.htm to locate an authorized retrofitter for acoustics. I'm authorized to retrofit electrics but acoustics are a bit more involved (and Buzz insists that acoustic retrofitters attend a seminar, which I cannot afford).

When you find a retrofitter they should also be able to re-fret your guitars.

Regarding playability of a Crowdster versus a regular acoustic, I think the action on your Crowdster will be lower than that possible on an acoustic. Kind of like electrics versus acoustics. That's my opinion, anyway.

Good luck!

06-21-2009, 06:18 AM
My crowdster sounds better plugged in and plays better than any of my friends' high-end acoustics, imho.