View Full Version : Xotic BB vs. Barber DD or LTD

06-02-2009, 05:52 AM
Anybody played all three? I've been hearing clips of the BB preamp (Andy Timmons) and it sounds wonderful. How does it compare to the Barber stuff? If its close or the same idea, I'll keep what I have. Would love some opinions..(tone, what it will/won't do)
I am not unhappy with my tone, just like to explore once in a while..
I use the Black LTD and the Direct Drive on my board. I don't have the real estate to add the BB, but if its different enough, I can maybe switch out pedals from time to time?
Shaun :)

06-02-2009, 07:11 AM
Don't know about the LTD, but the BB has more girth and more available gain than the DD. It's smaller too.

Get a Zen Drive II and a Mosferatu. You won't be unhappy.

Suriel Zayas
06-02-2009, 08:36 AM
Get a Zen Drive II and a Mosferatu. You won't be unhappy.

dan, i'm really, really digging the distortion.:D

06-02-2009, 10:07 AM
my results are all based on an amp already breaking up some. when my amp was clean i had different pedals.
the rc turned into my low gain box. the distortion my high gain box. if you're playing with a clean amp the dd is hard to beat. for me it doesn't work as well in an amp with less headroom. tried the bb+ and it was too much gain for me. have not tried the regular bb.

06-02-2009, 10:15 AM
dan, i'm really, really digging the distortion.:D

Same here. I mean I have been using my small board, that houses a Hermida Zen II, Mos and Distortion, almost exclusively. I really can get most of what I need with those three pedals. Through the Maz 18 or 38 I get low, medium and high gain, very little noise. When I switch from singles to hums it is just a matter of dialing up amp treble just a hair.

Shaun plays a Mesa, so his results may be different. But I also use that board at church through an F30, and while it is not as warm as the Z's, it is still quite nice.

That said, the BB is a cool pedal. Higher gain than the DD. The DD is cool too. But I can get DD sounds, with more girth, from a Zen II, and the Distortion or the MOS will do everything the BB does, and then some, with less noise.

John Price
06-02-2009, 06:29 PM
tried the bb+ and it was too much gain for me. have not tried the regular bb.

I've been using the BB for a long time now and still love playing through it.

Tom, I think the BB is much different than the BB+ and I really don't like it at all.... I thought it would have been 2 BB's in one but that's not the case. They changed the sound and feel of the original......

06-02-2009, 07:35 PM
yes, ben from xotic said they were quite different. never got around to trying the regular bb since i have that ground covered. i was hoping it would be the reg bb plus a cleanish boost.

06-03-2009, 06:10 AM
I love my BB, the only things I've "compared it to" are the RC and the AC. I thought the AC and the BB were almost the same, with a TEENY edge to the BB. That said, I gotta be honest, I'm not a boutique pedal snob and I thought my 15-year-old TS10 Tube Screamer (yes, TS10, not 9) came about 90% of the way there, too. Maybe it's just because I was trying them all with an amazing guitar and an amazing amp.

06-04-2009, 12:15 AM
I have a BB and love it- but have not compared it to any of the barber pedals. But then again, my pedal board is Turbo Tuner-->Tone Press-->BB, and I feel I am all set!