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04-28-2004, 03:20 PM
Is it just me, or do you find current music to be boring? My wife thinks I'm just getting old which is true, but I can't relate at all to the current rock music scene (I won't mention the pop music scene since I never followed it). To me, everyone kind of sounds the same-e.g.., start off with a cleanish sound or maybe some acoustic guitars, the singer comes on and of course has that low voice and seems to be angst ridden about something, then the chorus kicks in with tons of distortion, then go back to the clean sound again, etc. To me everyone sounds the same, but then again I guess I'm ignoring the fact that in the early to mid 90's everyone sounded like Nirvana and Pearl Jam, the late 80's had all those pathetic glam metal bands with rock/pop ballads, the early 80's had the e riff, high pitched squeely Bruce Dickinson vocal bands, etc. I'm beginning to think the 70's had the most original bands. Ah, heck, I'm just getting old I guess.

Son of Anderson
04-28-2004, 04:17 PM
i agree with you to a certain extent. the problem now adays is that the good bands are not in the spotlight anymore. MTV and VH1 throw garbage at you and radio stations do the same. there is a lot of good music comming out but you arent going to be able to find in the main stream media. MTV has pulluted the ears of the public and they no longer crave real artists.

it is a real bummer becuase the people who create wonderful music never get to have the audience they deserve.

04-28-2004, 05:47 PM
Any good rock band recommendations?

Son of Anderson
04-28-2004, 06:05 PM
The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium

sadly enough thats all i can think of right now for Rock. i listen to substantialy heavier music for the most part, but ill look through my CD collection for Rock bands and get back to you.

i do hapen to like the new Perfect Circle Cd as well.

04-28-2004, 06:34 PM
Thanks, I appreciate your help. I'm willing to listen to anything in the rock vein that sounds fresh and non-formula. A friend of mine recommended Masuggah (sic??) or something like that. He told me it's the best rock band he's heard in a long time.

Son of Anderson
04-28-2004, 07:42 PM
meshugga isnt my cup of tea. im really picky about my heavy music. if oyu are willing to sit through some of that ill throw out some names.

04-28-2004, 08:38 PM
meshuggah is what i would call math metal, real heavy, odd time signatures..

one of my all time favorite bands is King's X, been around a long time, and not a lot of people know who they are, mostly music for musicians.


04-28-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Son of Anderson
meshugga isnt my cup of tea. im really picky about my heavy music. if oyu are willing to sit through some of that ill throw out some names.

Thanks. I just visited the cduniverse website and listened to both Meshuggah and Mars Volta. Meshuggah was horrible-I have no idea how my friend can listen to that. I better give him a call and ask him if that's the band he meant because he normally doesn't listen to that kind of stuff. Maybe the guitar parts are challenging or something, but that was hard to listen to. Mars Volta sounded pretty good. It's kind of difficult getting a good read on the band when the samples are 29 seconds for each song though.

04-28-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by dpeterson
meshuggah is what i would call math metal, real heavy, odd time signatures..

one of my all time favorite bands is King's X, been around a long time, and not a lot of people know who they are, mostly music for musicians.


I'll try listening to King's X. I've heard about them since the early 90's but I've never gotten around to listening to them.

Gary F.
04-28-2004, 08:59 PM
Great question, Pluto! It is pathetic how little inspirational rock music there seems to be today for those of us who grew up on the Stones, Who, etc (anybody heard an equivalent of Who's Next lately?) A few "rock" discs i've been listening to:
1) the new Johnny Lang, 'Long time coming.' Rock/blues, this guy can play & SING;
2) Joe Bonamassa's disc from last year, 'So It's like that.' Fine young player, rockier than his current blues release;
3) Mark Selby, 'Dirt,' from '02, i think. This guy deserves far greater recognition. Songs that are actually songs. Great Writer, singer and his guitar parts serve the songs.

One other player i'm really enthusiastic about lately (though he's not 'rock', per se) is Steve Kimock. You can check out some of his stuff at www.stevekimock.com. Beautiful player, catch him live if he comes to your town, for sure.


04-28-2004, 10:41 PM
Man---I couldn't agree with Pluto more! I'm not sure what happened over the years, other than MTV came along and ruined everything. That's my standard answer because I honestly believe at that point------the music took a backseat to appearance. How you looked became much more important than the music-----and it's gone down-hill from there.
On a more positive note--------I certainly 2nd Johnny Lang and Joe Bonamassa. I'd also HIGHLY reccomend The Thorns CD that was put out last year.
I can't think of ANY new rock bands that do a thing for me. Superstars today--------gone tomorrow. (Still blame MTV!)

04-28-2004, 10:46 PM
Almost forgot! Speaking of King's X--------I've got two discs by their guitar player named Ty Tabor. He's put out two solo CD's over the years and both are terrific.

04-29-2004, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by pluto
Is it just me, or do you find current music to be boring? My wife thinks I'm just getting old which is true, but I can't relate at all to the current rock music scene (I won't mention the pop music scene since I never followed it). To me, everyone kind of sounds the same-e.g.., start off with a cleanish sound or maybe some acoustic guitars, the singer comes on and of course has that low voice and seems to be angst ridden about something, then the chorus kicks in with tons of distortion, then go back to the clean sound again, etc. To me everyone sounds the same, but then again I guess I'm ignoring the fact that in the early to mid 90's everyone sounded like Nirvana and Pearl Jam, the late 80's had all those pathetic glam metal bands with rock/pop ballads, the early 80's had the e riff, high pitched squeely Bruce Dickinson vocal bands, etc. I'm beginning to think the 70's had the most original bands. Ah, heck, I'm just getting old I guess.

mark, Criss Oliva and SAVATAGE, and anything by Tesla. THAT's what's in my CD player and ipod nowadays! And yes, I'm a relic!!!:D ;)

04-29-2004, 09:22 AM
:mad: Please give me a few taisty guitar solos I beg you. LOL
Great thread, it is sad. You know there has to be many phenominal musicians/bands out there that will never make it to your radio/cd player while the mediocre junk is getting thrown at you by the boat load. I like a wide variety of music but have found very few real quality bands/musicians getting played anymore. I think people like John Mayer (sorry heavy metal guys) is one of the few super talented people who has squeeked through. I used to listen to heavy stuff but it got so uninspiring that I find very little to enjoy. I am curious about the new Van Halen though, they were reigning kings for a long time. OH, BTW Kings X = AWESOME! Great guitar player. Are they still doing CD's?

My 2 cents.......

Gary F.
04-29-2004, 09:44 AM
One other player i'm really enthusiastic about lately (though he's not 'rock', per se) is Steve Kimock. You can check out some of his stuff at www.stevekimock.com. Beautiful player, catch him live if he comes to your town, for sure.

Whoops, if you're moved to check out Steve Kimock, his site is www.kimock.com. Sorry for the screwup.

04-29-2004, 01:50 PM
Gary F. and Gasman- I'll check out Bonamassa. I've seen a feature of him in Guitar Player, but I've yet to hear his music. I'll go on the cduniverse website to listen to some samples.

Gasman-the Thorns? Is that the band with Matthew Sweet? If it is, I was meaning to buy it when it came out last year (I've been a huge Matthew Sweet fan since the early 90's), but just never got around to getting it. I've read mixed reviews also. Does it sound like typical Matthew Sweet type power pop or is it a bit different?

Andersonguy-Yeah, whatever happened to the guitar solos?!?!?!?!?!? When I heard that Greg Howe joined N'Sync or Backstreet Boys (not sure of the band-but one of those boy pop bands), I just laughed-why the heck would they need Greg Howe to play on their songs??? I hate to say it, but as much as I hated those glam metal bands in the 80's, at least they always had a "widdly, widdly, widdly" guitar solo in the songs to make it interesting.

Michael-Tesla?? I knew they came up with a new album, but I don't even remember what they sounded like in the 80's. I always got them mixed up with Talas (Sheehan's old band) because of the similarity in names! Who's Chris Oliwa?

04-29-2004, 04:45 PM
Chris Oliva is unfortunately no longer with us- killed by a drunk driver. He was the guitar player for Savatage up through Edge of Thorns album. Did you check out Evergrey?


04-29-2004, 05:52 PM
Pluto----The Thorns-----maybe my favorite disc of "new music" I've bought in a long time. (Although Johnny Lang's latest ranks right up there too.)
The Thorns are Mathew Sweet, Shawn Mullins and Pete Droge. I'd say that the songs that Mathew sings sound alot like what you'd expect from one of his records. The disc over-all takes on kind of a new Crosby,Stills and Nash feel. Throw in alittle Beatles and maybe a touch of Brian Wilson. Great song writing and wonderful CS&N type harmonies.
As for Joe Bonamassa-------I'd recommend "So, It's Like That." I believe from 2002. Mine came with a DVD of a concert he did and REALLY lets him show off his stuff. What a great player!

04-29-2004, 06:25 PM
Joel-howzit going? Thanks for the info. on Oliva. That's too bad what happened to him. As for Evergrey-never heard of them, what do they sound like?

Gasman-Based on what you're saying, I'll probably pick up the Thorns since I've always been a big MSweet fan (100% fun is probably in my top 20 albums of all time). Thanks for the Bonamassa tip. I haven't gotten around to the cduniverse site yet, but I'll definitely listen to the sound samples.

04-29-2004, 06:38 PM
[i] OH, BTW Kings X = AWESOME! Great guitar player. Are they still doing CD's?

My 2 cents....... [/B]

yes.. they are still touring, and should have a new cd out sometime. All of them are in their own side projects as well. Ty is getting ready to release another jelly jam cd, Jerry (drummer) just released a solo cd, and Doug's solo stuff is called Poundhound.

Awesome band, now new listeners, start from the beginning (out of the silent planet).


04-29-2004, 06:57 PM
Hey Mark,

Doing good. I had to send the neck on your old Cobra S back to Tom for inlays. I couldn't get used to it without dots. I got it back on Monday and it's good to have it in one piece.

Everygrey is a metal/prog band from Sweden. Great guitars and the singer actually sings instead of the growling crap that seems to be popular now. They have several clips up on their site and some full songs. They just released a new album this week but I haven't heard it yet. However Recreation Day, In Search of Truth and Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy kick major butt. There are some videos at the bottom of the page.


Oh and King's X is great. I've been a fan since Gretchen and finally saw them live last year. They have a greatest hits album but I agree with Dave: start at the beginning and work your way up. I haven't liked much since Ear Candy but loved everything up to there.


Son of Anderson
04-29-2004, 08:40 PM
Everygreay huh? im not a huge fan of theirs, but they are technically sound players.

do you listen to a fair share of Metal? Check out Devin Townsend if you like the singing aspect better then the growl.

Devin townsend was the lead singer for Strapping Young lad, and started a new groupd called The Devin Townsed band. good stuff.

04-29-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Son of Anderson
Everygreay huh? im not a huge fan of theirs, but they are technically sound players.

do you listen to a fair share of Metal? Check out Devin Townsend if you like the singing aspect better then the growl.

Devin townsend was the lead singer for Strapping Young lad, and started a new groupd called The Devin Townsed band. good stuff.

I do listen to metal (actually anything rock oriented). Wasn't Townsend the singer for Steve Vai back in the early 90's?

04-29-2004, 09:58 PM
Pluto-----By all means, get the Thorns. I'm sure you'll dig it. Be careful though-----------I wouldn't really compare it to a MS record. He's there for sure------but I would say it resembles much more of a CS&N sound.

04-29-2004, 10:24 PM

I have Ocean Machine by Townsend but didn't really get into it. I did see a Strapping Young Lad video and liked the song but don't remember which album it was off of. He seems to be pretty much all over the map - very prolific writer.

What do you recommend of his?


Son of Anderson
04-30-2004, 04:11 AM
Joel - i only have 6 or so of his songs, i like "bring on the young" "away" "bastard"

Townsend is a fairly new atrist to me. and yes, his sound varies greatly

I listen to metal/hardcore bands such as:
As i Lay dying
Every time i die
Killswitch Engage
Norma Jean
Poison the Well
Syomphony in Peril
Bleeding Through
Dream Theatre

as far as rock goes:
The Mars Volta
At the Drive-In
Collective Soul
Jimmy Eat World
Deftones (preferable older stuff)

04-30-2004, 08:43 AM
Thanks for the list I'll look into those bands.

I see you're a Dream Theater fan. Have you checked out Liquid Tension Experiment? It's Petrucci, Portnoy, Rudess and Levin on bass. They have two albums out. It's all instrumentals and they are really good. Fates Warning is another band that's good. Not in the same league as DT but a good hard prog band nonetheless.

Son of Anderson
04-30-2004, 11:16 AM
ill look into that. thanks.

04-30-2004, 02:56 PM
Devin Townsend has some interesting stuff. Check out the Terria CD. He is also a great guitarist. Check out www.hevydevy.com

He sang for Vai on the Sex and Religion CD.

04-30-2004, 04:57 PM
I find Audley Freed to be one my favorites these days (again).
It seems the role of the guitar player, in the modern or emo rock of these days, their role is more of a percussionist. Makes me sick and sends me into the 'good ole days' syndrome.
Country pickers seem to be the shredders of the day (and man do I hate modern country). Just look at the cats playing Andersons now, all the red hots of the country world.
This makes me want to break out some old Kings X, and forget about it.

05-01-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Gary F. and Gasman- I'll check out Bonamassa. I've seen a feature of him in Guitar Player, but I've yet to hear his music. I'll go on the cduniverse website to listen to some samples.

Michael-Tesla?? I knew they came up with a new album, but I don't even remember what they sounded like in the 80's. I always got them mixed up with Talas (Sheehan's old band) because of the similarity in names! Who's Chris Oliwa?


Joe Bonamassa is a phenom - plain and simple. tone for days w/ a marshall silver jubilee and a metal panel super lead as the back bone of his rig. Saw him open for Peter Frampton October 30, 2003 at the wiltern here in LA.

Criss Oliva is from FL and formed Savatage w/ his brother Jon (keys and vox). I'd describe them as Queen meets Iron Maiden, with a bit of 80's shred mixed in (LA style - Lynch/DeMartini). And BTW, Criss was a huge Charvel guy. Unfortunately he was killed by a drunk driver on October 17, 1993. but the music lives on! I'd recommend the "hall of the mtn king"SAVATAGE DISCOGRAPHY (http://www.progarchives.com/Progressive_rock_discography_BAND.asp?band_id=847# discography)

Regarding that little ole band from Sacramento known as Tesla (?), songs like "Hang Tough", "Gettin Better", "2 Late 4 Love" are classics!!! check out "Mechanical Resonance " (debut 1986) and the "Great Radio Controversy" (1989) - if you dig 70's style hard rock w/ 80's shred and great songs - you will NOT be disappointed.

Talas? Mitch Perry and of course Sheehan immediately come to mind. A little bit o trivia - Mitch Perry went on later to play in MSG along side Michael w/ Robin MacAuley on vox in the late 80's.

05-03-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya

Joe Bonamassa is a phenom - plain and simple. tone for days w/ a marshall silver jubilee and a metal panel super lead as the back bone of his rig. Saw him open for Peter Frampton October 30, 2003 at the wiltern here in LA.

Criss Oliva is from FL and formed Savatage w/ his brother Jon (keys and vox). I'd describe them as Queen meets Iron Maiden, with a bit of 80's shred mixed in (LA style - Lynch/DeMartini). And BTW, Criss was a huge Charvel guy. Unfortunately he was killed by a drunk driver on October 17, 1993. but the music lives on! I'd recommend the "hall of the mtn king"SAVATAGE DISCOGRAPHY (http://www.progarchives.com/Progressive_rock_discography_BAND.asp?band_id=847# discography)

Regarding that little ole band from Sacramento known as Tesla (?), songs like "Hang Tough", "Gettin Better", "2 Late 4 Love" are classics!!! check out "Mechanical Resonance " (debut 1986) and the "Great Radio Controversy" (1989) - if you dig 70's style hard rock w/ 80's shred and great songs - you will NOT be disappointed.

Talas? Mitch Perry and of course Sheehan immediately come to mind. A little bit o trivia - Mitch Perry went on later to play in MSG along side Michael w/ Robin MacAuley on vox in the late 80's.

Wow-Michael, I didn't know you were the king of 80's metal trivia!! Thanks for the info. The next time I make it to Towers, I'll pick up a Bonamassa Cd based on all the recommendations here. I don't know about Tesla though-I don't remember them at all-I get all those late 80's bands mixed up all the time (it's like one big blur with only Guns and Roses really sticking out!). I loved Talas though-I used to have their live album in 1983, right before Sheehan joined up with UFO for their last tour, and I remember just waiting for Sheehan to play bass solos. I didn't even care about the songs! Great player-he and Leigh Gorman (from Bow Wow Wow!) are my two favorite bassists from the 80's pop/rock era.

05-03-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Wow-Michael, I didn't know you were the king of 80's metal trivia!! Thanks for the info. The next time I make it to Towers, I'll pick up a Bonamassa Cd based on all the recommendations here. I don't know about Tesla though-I don't remember them at all-I get all those late 80's bands mixed up all the time (it's like one big blur with only Guns and Roses really sticking out!). I loved Talas though-I used to have their live album in 1983, right before Sheehan joined up with UFO for their last tour, and I remember just waiting for Sheehan to play bass solos. I didn't even care about the songs! Great player-he and Leigh Gorman (from Bow Wow Wow!) are my two favorite bassists from the 80's pop/rock era.

mark, you're too kind. I would recommend Bonamassa's "so it's like that". great tunes BUT a BONUS full performance 90 min DVD is included at NO extra charge!!:cool: :cool:

and the next we talk on the phone I want to hear your version of NV43345!!:D

05-06-2004, 07:07 AM
For blues, rock and new country, listen to any music coming out of Texas. Always has been a lot of great stuff coming out of the "Lone Star" state