View Full Version : B String Sounding Flat - Cobra

04-18-2009, 11:18 PM
Has anyone else with a Cobra noticed that despite the strings being perfectly in tune ( Korg DT7, intonated, new strings etc) the B string can sound slightly flat -particularly playing an E chord at the nut? I thought I was imagining this until I talked to another Cobra player and he reported the same thing. The really interesting part is that I can tune the B string up a semi-tone and it will sound perfect - both at the nut and in all chords up the neck.

Is this a BFTS quirk?

04-19-2009, 10:05 AM
the B is tuned sharp in the bfts. i do remember some discussion with buzz when he did the deal with korg about how to tune the B. i don't know if they decided on the same numbers they publish. it would be interesting to compare what the dt7 does next to the tt or peterson to see if they are the same. i have been using the dt7 for quite some time and don't do any additional compensation.

04-19-2009, 11:42 PM
Thanks Tom for the background. I'll re-check the tuning again. The BFTS works well - I particularly hear it working further up the neck. It's a good -"all around" tuning system.

04-20-2009, 11:07 AM
it is of course not perfect everywhere, but it sure makes me smile. i would say the hardest chord to get right is the open C shape up the neck. the guitar really needs to be perfectly in tune for that one to sound good.