View Full Version : Why I Hate TAG!

04-07-2009, 04:06 PM
Feel free to join in! This is for positive hate only!!!! LOL!!!

1. The clarity and sonic range of the instruments quickly expose the limitations and faults of the equipment which I play them through!!!!

2. After playing at my church Sunday morning, the place where I'm supposed to get some peace, rest, and enjoyment from the rest of the gigs in my hectic schedule, I now begin to notice how horribly out of tune everyone else is, and that's not good when you notice that the attack on the piano is initially sharp and then quickly resolves down a few hundreths of a percent to the pitch!!!

I won't even go into the three saxophone players and the midi organ!!!!!

3. Neck comfort that rivals my $7000 archtop!

I HATE TAG!!!!!!


04-07-2009, 04:28 PM
i can feel the hate, it burns deep.

04-07-2009, 04:31 PM
i can feel the hate, it burns deep.



04-07-2009, 05:32 PM
I believe you need a 12 step program!.......and a hug:)

04-07-2009, 06:51 PM
I believe you need a 12 TAG program!.......and an amp:)

04-07-2009, 06:52 PM
The Church band out of tune part had me nearly crying it was so funny!

jeff h
04-08-2009, 11:17 AM
I hate TAG so much that I should have #5 delivered this Friday. Burnished Orange Burst Drop Top Classic, SF1(R), SF1,H2+, Black Floyd Rose, black hardware. I hate TAG so much that I'm working with Hollywood Mesa (Jimbo) on TAG #6. TAG's suck dont they? :D

04-08-2009, 06:24 PM
When I first got my second TAG, I was playing my two TAGs 100% of the time, and since then it's dropped off a bit. I think I'm playing them about 70 or 80% of the time now.

So my other guitars hate you, Tom.

But I don't...

King Cobra
04-08-2009, 08:31 PM
My New Tag is due to arrive Tommorrow.........hopefully I can start hating as well!!

04-15-2009, 08:02 PM
As a new TAG owner, I too have succumbed to the "hatred". What a shock to pick it up out of the case for the first time, only to have it feel like I'd played it all my life. Where's the challenge of that 'unfamiliar feel' of a new guitar? There's something wrong with a guitar that even brand new feels like you've played it forever...

Like the fellow TAG owner who started this thread, I'm also one of those contemporary Christan worship band guitar slingers. Thanks to the Feiten tuning setup, it was so irritating this past Easter Sunday morning to not experience the thrill of fussing with the tuning. Wouldn't you know, that TAG sounds in tune any place on the neck...

[Tom -- thanks! What an 'incredible instrument'!] :)

04-16-2009, 04:42 PM
Yeah....the whole tuning thing sucks. I'd like a little more fight, just so I could feel like a frustrated guitar player again!!

Another thing that I hate is that now I can clearly hear myself in the mix due to the articulate nature of the guitar. I thought for a second that the mix had gotten better. Then I changed guitars to my old strat. Goodbye! Gone! Couldn't hear a single thing I was playing. Changed back to the TAG for the next song, and I could hear all of the single notes again. The details of the chords were back! And the horns were even more out of tune!!:(

Now I want another one.

Thanks, Tom!:( ;) :D

04-16-2009, 04:47 PM
you're most welcome, we aim to aggravate:D

04-16-2009, 06:50 PM
Feel free to join in! This is for positive hate only!!!! LOL!!!

1. The clarity and sonic range of the instruments quickly expose the limitations and faults of the equipment which I play them through!!!!

3. Neck comfort that rivals my $$$$ guitars!


To me a TAG exposes my faults as a guitarist :o and is one very comfortable playing neck.

04-16-2009, 07:02 PM
Yeah....the whole tuning thing sucks. I'd like a little more fight, just so I could feel like a frustrated guitar player again!!

Another thing that I hate is that now I can clearly hear myself in the mix due to the articulate nature of the guitar. I thought for a second that the mix had gotten better. Then I changed guitars to my old strat. Goodbye! Gone! Couldn't hear a single thing I was playing. Changed back to the TAG for the next song, and I could all of the single notes again. The details of the chords were back! And the horns were even more out of tune again!!:(

Now I want another one.

Thanks, Tom!:( ;) :D

Yep... I had a similar experience!!!
I brought one of my old Ibanez guitars with me to a show last year. It lasted 1 song... and I was even contemplating to qucikly change guitars in the 2nd verse, that's how much I didn't like its tone...
I grabbed my Classic after the song was finally over and... ahhh.... I was home again!!!
That Ibanez will be on Craiglist & eBay this weekend and I just ordered Anderson #5 yesterday... :D after I received Anderson #4 just last month I shall add! :eek: :D

04-16-2009, 11:30 PM
I had three guitars before I bought my Cobra last month, and have already sold or traded off two of them, the last one is about to go out the door. Aside from the incredible playability of the Cobra, I am a complete convert to the BFTS, and I just couldn't play any of my old guitars any more. Having other guitars "ruined" for you is one of the hidden reasons to hate TAG. I am now looking for #2....oh, and I hadn't played much in the past few years, but the TAG has completely re-ignited my desire to play- to quote John Lennon, "I've got blisters on my fingers!"