View Full Version : Finish question for Tom or those in the know.

04-01-2009, 12:21 PM
I really dig the look of some of the transparent/translucent finishes that tend to grace those guitars with maple tops more often but was wondering if those same shades were available in opaque for say a Classic?

Specifically, I love the way Daita's Bora Bora Classic looks. The finish is one of the one's I'm considering for a second TAG (already know exactly what the first one will be and my OCD demands that I plan for a second one if I truly love the first) but would prefer to see no wood grain. I'm also interested in an opaque version of Cajun Magenta and Translucent Plum.

So, could TAG do something like this? The other thread with the Blonde Classic makes me hopeful.

04-01-2009, 12:35 PM
you could get candy bora, but there is not an opaque equiv. cajun magenta and t plum both are achieved with dual color stains so they rely on gradation of color, not possible with a single opaque.

04-01-2009, 01:25 PM
Hmm, Candy Bora sounds cool.

Another question, could you do something like Sheer Cajun Magenta (CM Sparkle)? Sheer Plum looks pretty cool. Plus the sparkles could help cover the wood grain. Then again, alder isn't all that grainy is it?

04-01-2009, 02:05 PM
magenta is a stain, not a sprayed on color so it only goes on maple tops. it could get flake sprayed over it but the flakes would not be magenta, they would be silver or gold.