View Full Version : Which Neck Humbucker?

03-30-2009, 07:18 PM
Just got my new TAG. Love it, but I think I really miss having a neck humbucker. Current pickups are sf1r-sf1-HO2.

1. What will give me a fat warm neck sound for going anywhere from jazz to Santana type leads in this position?

2. It must split well. I still need all of my single coil spank in the neck for the blues/funk/gospel stuff!

3. Tom, can the pickup change be done and I keep my mid-boost as well as the split option on both humbuckers?

The three way is currently:
1. Single
2. Hum
3. Boost

I really want to be able to split the neck humbucker and engage the mid-boost. I don't want to give up anything that I currently have. If I have to, I will leave the guitar the way that it is.

What will match well with the above configuration? I still can't believe how well the HO2 splits in the bridge! It is a great pickup in a great guitar!!


Oh, if you haven't checked out the mid-boost deal, it is amazing for adding some more meat to clean and overdriven tones!!!

03-30-2009, 07:59 PM
i'll have to check the wiring to see if there's enough switching capacity to split the neck pickup along with the bridge using that switch. splitting and boosting together would require a separate switch for each function. if you could live without the add bridge, the pp tone pot could be splitter and the mini switch could turn into boost.
as for which pickup, there's the age old compromise of which tone is MOST important, the humbucker or the single? i lean towards weaker neck humbuckers which don't usually give the best single coil fullness.

03-31-2009, 12:28 AM
Hmmmm. OK. How about something that will sound close to the sf1 single coil sound when split?

Would the HO1- work?

03-31-2009, 11:08 AM
it would need to be a bigger humbucker, probably more like an HO1+.

03-31-2009, 11:50 AM
Will that balance well with the bridge? Should I go bigger there as well?

03-31-2009, 12:29 PM
i think it will work well. you'll need to play with height in it to get the balance you're after. sounds like you're pretty happy with the ho2 so i wouldn't change that.

04-05-2009, 11:09 PM
So is the HO1+ hotter than a H1 or an H1+?

Played a gig tonight and I'm thinking I may want to go to an H2+ in the bridge for some added beef. Granted, I wasn't playing through my rig, but I think I may want a little heavier sounding guitar.

What would you suggest for all around heavier humbucking sounds and thick humbucking sounds in a H-S-H set-up?


Carl Casperson told me to tell you hello. He told me he used to hang around your shop and bug you when he was younger. Now he's out here in the mid-west playing great bass for everyone!

04-06-2009, 11:17 AM
first off, i'd wait till you play your own rig. you said earlier that you loved the HO2, so i'd not be too hasty to change.
i suggested the HO1+ because you liked the character of the HO2.
H3 and H1 are pretty big sounding in a set.