View Full Version : Band in a Box? Is it worth it?

03-09-2009, 05:20 PM
Anyone familiar with this as a songwriting tool?

Is there anything similar?

Does it interface with Logic, or is there anything like it that does?


03-09-2009, 06:25 PM
Dano, are you using Logic? If so, what are your thoughts? I actually enjoy everything Logic has to offer. It has been really successful for me.

Anyway, have you called Sweetwater (sweetwater.com) Their engineers may assist you regarding Band in the Box.

03-09-2009, 07:14 PM
I am using Logic but am still new at it. It is really quite simple yet powerful. So I am kind of the wrong guy to ask.

My problem is that since I am still new at this when I get a song idea I spend more time screwing with software than writing. Also, currently I really do not have a recording "workstation." Long story so I won't bore all y'all but there is not room for it until later this spring when we clear out one of the buildings on our property. So every session requires setting up, gear etc. By the time I get the idea out of my head I forgot what it was supposed to sound like - and then it doesn't.

So I thought I'd try the Band in the Box thing - or something similar. I can get the idea out of my head by just writing out the chords. And if there is a way I can then work the tracks with Logic, I can take the "reference" tracks and make them real at a later date.

Hope that explains my situation. And good idea on the Sweetwater thing. I'll call tomorrow.

Suriel Zayas
03-10-2009, 04:33 PM
dan, you have garage band in your mac, right? have you tried that? at home i use logic with apogee duet, perfect together.:cool:

03-10-2009, 04:40 PM
Suriel, I am using the same set-up as you. However, I do use a Glyph external drive out of the 800 firewire port. I was told by Apple when I got certified in Logic that recording directly to the Mac may cause the HD to get corrupted. Although, not very often. I also learned that when using an external drive out of the 800fw, it is better to plug the Duet into the 400fw on the external drive. Since the 800fw port and the 400fw port share the same bus on the Mac, you may experience static.

Anyway, Garage Band is great for sketching out song ideas that can be incorporated in to Logic at a later date. Plus, playing with the tempo and key is a breeze. Gives you an idea how your song may sound with a different key or tempo without tracking the song over.

03-10-2009, 10:57 PM
Yes, but I am pretty sure I can't just write out chords with Garage Band. I need to connect a midi keyboard. So if I have an idea that goes GMAJ9 G#dim Amin7 I can snap that idea on Band in a Box choose a style and get a song idea. What I am trying to understand, before I buy it, is are the tracks it creates readable by Logic? I know I am not using the proper terminology, and I apologize.

In other words, I create an idea. Say eight tracks for guitar, bass, keys etc. Can I then import the tracks individually into Logic as "reference" then replace and record actual tracks with a drummer, bassist, or if I choose other midi tracks, at a later time?

I know this may be weird. Am I over thinking this?

03-11-2009, 03:59 AM
Yes,you can record tracks in garage band and then import them in to Logic. Any loops or midi tracks can also be written in garage band and opened in Logic. Once in Logic, you can store the tracks in you Logic session.

Suriel Zayas
03-11-2009, 06:12 AM
Suriel, I am using the same set-up as you. However, I do use a Glyph external drive out of the 800 firewire port. I was told by Apple when I got certified in Logic that recording directly to the Mac may cause the HD to get corrupted. Although, not very often. I also learned that when using an external drive out of the 800fw, it is better to plug the Duet into the 400fw on the external drive. Since the 800fw port and the 400fw port share the same bus on the Mac, you may experience static.

the only issue with the macbook vs. macbook pro in my experience, is that the macbook has weaker busses than the macbook pro, therefore, possibly creating certain instability (mac pro's can chime in, corey?). however, your setup sounds right.

Suriel Zayas
03-11-2009, 06:16 AM
In other words, I create an idea. Say eight tracks for guitar, bass, keys etc. Can I then import the tracks individually into Logic as "reference" then replace and record actual tracks with a drummer, bassist, or if I choose other midi tracks, at a later time?

I know this may be weird. Am I over thinking this?

garage band and logic are supposed to be fully compatible. i.e. you can open a gb session in logic and everything (audio tracks and virtual instrument tracks, with their respective plugins) should load into logic as you last saved them in garage band. of course, now that your gb project is in logic, you will have the option of switching from any gb plugins in use to the better logic plugins.

you can find a lot of resourceful videos on youtube.

03-11-2009, 06:31 AM
Mark, Suriel

I am doing an aweful job of 'splaining myself...

I just whacked the back of my head for both of you!

Can the Band in The Box tracks be read by Logic?

I know about the GB to Logic functionality.

Suriel Zayas
03-11-2009, 07:08 AM
Mark, Suriel

I am doing an aweful job of 'splaining myself...

I just whacked the back of my head for both of you!

Can the Band in The Box tracks be read by Logic?

I know about the GB to Logic functionality.

dan, stop whacking yourself already! band-in-a-box is pretty good at creating backing tracks for practicing at home. however, when it comes to production quality, in my opinion, it's not there. the timing can be pretty stiff, it does not swing or groove, but great for ideas.

yes, you can dump your session it into logic via midi. that would probably be your best situation, as you would increase the audio quality of your sounds, by using sounds from the logic library and and even the feel. but if i understand what your ultimate goal is, then band in a box can work for you. if you have ideas (and yes, in band in a box you can select chords, instruments and styles) you can write a song in band in a box, dump it into logic and have you and your amazing session players use your band in a box, now in logic tracks as a dummy track, and you are on your way to a grammy winning track (was that a run-on sentence, i'm dizzy)! :D

03-11-2009, 01:25 PM

BTW, the Hermida Distortion is KILLER!

It is like three perfect steps from the Zen 2 to the Mos to the Distortion!

Thanks for the recommendation.

03-13-2009, 02:45 PM
Actually, it's a band ON a box:


Is this what you were looking for, Danno? Here's another view:


Here's the deal: My wife and her best friend exchange Catholic school memorabilia, and this was one of this year's offerings. It has a wind-up music box but that was long kaput. I cannibalized an iPod speaker thingie and gave the sisters new voices.

Their most recent performance was Madonna's "Just like a Virgin."

03-13-2009, 08:31 PM
Lmao!!! :)

03-13-2009, 10:31 PM
Lofton you are HILARIOUS!