View Full Version : Tone control on bridge only?

03-02-2009, 12:47 PM
Is it possible to wire up the tone pot to work on the bridge pup only with switcheroo?

I have a classic with SF SF H2+. I have ordered an HF2 for the bridge and thought that since I will be in there soldering anyway.....

03-02-2009, 01:17 PM
if you want the tone to only work when the blower is on, that's pretty easy. just connect the red wire from the tone pot to the upper right most switch terminal on the blower switch. it's the one closest to the corner where all the pickup wires get connected. if you want it to be on whenever the bridge pickup is engaged with the 3 way switch, connect it to the lower right most terminal on the 3 way switch, it's the farthest one away from where the pickup wires are connected. note that if you do this ALL other sounds will be brighter because they are not getting loaded by the tone control. if we were to do this mod here, which we have done for a particular artist, we add a 470k resister and .01 cap in series from hot to ground when the other pickups are on so they still sound"normal".

03-02-2009, 09:34 PM
Thanks Tom.

If I put it on the 3 way for the bridge, will it be brighter when I hit the Blower?

Also, from hot to ground where?

I think I might just try it with the HF2 before I change anything else.

03-02-2009, 11:15 PM
yes to your first question.
if you put the tone on the blower, then it would go between the lower right hand terminal of the blower switch to ground. if you put the tone to only the bridge pu switch it would be a lot more complicated to put the loading on just the singles.