View Full Version : Bridge Buzz?

02-18-2009, 01:08 PM
My new-to-me Anderson was buzzing a bit, so I took it to a local shop to check the frets (as it was recently refretted & shipped) and was told they were fine. They adjusted the neck, but there is still a buzz on the low E and A strings played open or fretted. When I try and pinpoint it, it seems to be coming from the bridge.

It has the Fishman-type bridge (no piezo or trem) like pictured. Anyone else have issues with this type of bridge? Replace the saddles? Or is this just normal? Thanks!


02-18-2009, 01:20 PM
those saddles do have a little more high end sizzle, but i wouldn't call it buzz. i have seen the little string rest bar come loose on a few. you can put just a drop of thin crazy glue around the edge and it will wick in.
what pickups are in the guitar? if it's VA's and they are adjusted close they will make the low strings sound buzzy, stratitis.

02-18-2009, 03:26 PM
Thanks Tom. The guitar has a VA1 in the middle, but it's not that high. You can hear it when the guitar is unplugged too. It sounds like fret buzz, but the string is clear of the frets (when open) and I swear it's in the bridge. I'll check the string rests & see if they're loose & try your superglue trick. Thanks!

02-18-2009, 04:38 PM
this is probably obvious, but you have changed strings? even new strings can be bad. not using dr's are you? also important that the weight of the strings is supported by both heaght screws. sometimes all the pressure will be on one and the other will vibrate.