View Full Version : Crowdster string guage question

04-23-2004, 09:17 AM
Just curious what gauge acoustic strings are recommended for the Crowdster. Also, is the feel the same as an acoustic? By this I mean, is the string tension similar to a completely acoustic instrument or is it closer to an electric?

04-23-2004, 09:51 AM
we ship them standard with light acoustic nano's, .012-.053. we intensionally made the scale a bit shorter than most, 24.75" to keep the tension "normal", since the top doesn't give like a braced spruce or cedar top. we have strung them up with mediums (.013's) and exlights(.011's), and they both worked fine. i personally like the tone and balance of the lights. they play as nice as our electrics, thanks to a great fret job and neck, but they definitly have an acoustic feel to me. i have heard people say, wow this plays better than my electric, but it wasn't one of our electrics. my goal for the guitar was that it would feel like you were playing a great acoustic guitar, the proportions are all more acoustic than electric. the thin body is the biggest feel dofference from an acoustic. the body is .2" thicker than our electrics.