View Full Version : Which amp is yur fave for clean sound

04-22-2004, 10:06 PM
Considering getting a single channel or maybe a two channel amp and using just the clean channel. I am leaning towards a Mesa F 50, Koch, or one of the Dr Z amps. I like that smoky Fender Twin sound but I need a 1x12 combo, that does not tear my arm off.

I have an F 30 but it has upgraded sides and grille. Don't want to use it live. Just not happy with my Nomad. I love my Evil Twin but its too big.

Your thoughts? Figure I'm willing to go up to $1800 or so, but would rather stay around $1000.

04-22-2004, 10:31 PM
I currently use an early 70's Princeton Reverb. It's easy to haul around and has plenty of volume for small to medium size settings. I put some NOS tubes in it and changed the speaker and it has a fabulous clean tone. You could probably pick one up for around $500 and do some mods and still be well under $1000. From what I have read the Princeton is one of the silver face amps that took a while for them to mess with...so they are very similar to the black face models.

I do hear alot of the guys on the forum praise the Carr stuff. I haven't had a chance to play one yet but have been keeping my eyes open for one to pop up in a store around here.

Happy hunting!


04-23-2004, 04:30 AM
What about an old-school Marshall with the guitars' volume turned down?

04-23-2004, 05:45 AM
Hey Danno!

I really like the clean tones from my F50. It's probably the best clean tone I've heard from a Mesa. The second and contour channels sound really good too. I just never use because of my approach to playing.

I've not played a Dr.Z, they never seem to be in shop when I'm around. So, I can't say how they compare.

I do have an F30, but there is a significant difference in the tone between the two.

By the way, it was great to meet you the other day. I'll let you know how the tone press works out this weekend.

Thanks! Noah

04-23-2004, 08:03 AM
The Mesa F50 has one of the best clean sounds in the Mesa line. I've compared it to the F30 clean and to me the F50 is better.

I had a Evil Twin for a while and I know what you mean about the clean sound. To me it's hard to beat an old Fender amp for clean. I have a 74 Super Reverb that has the best clean sound I've ever heard. But that's bigger than what you're looking for.

The Dr Z Maz Sr has a great clean sound. I've got a 212 that I use for clean A/Bed with a Germino Masonette for dirty in my main rig. The Maz Sr has a little bit of a Fender tone going on but also has some Vox-like tones mixed in too. A 112 Maz Sr may be just what you're looking for if you don't mind spending $1699. It's really a great deal for what you're getting (hand wired amp built like a tank).

The Carr Rambler is a cool 112 that is closer to the old Fender tone than a Dr Z. I've been wanting to get one ever since I tried it a couple of years ago. I just havn't been able to justify $2000 for another amp when I already have 4 really nice amps to work with.

Stan Malinowski
04-23-2004, 08:29 AM
My favorite amps are clean ones:

What I have:

1) Carr Rambler - fantastic clean sparkly blackface tones. Beautiful reverb. I like the lower power triode mode as oppossed to the Pentode mode. A+ Rating for a clean amp.

2) Dr Z Maz 18 JR w/o Reverb - Great sounding clean tones, not really totally Fenderish like the Rambler but think Fender/VOX merged. This amp blows my mind with its depth - I love reverb but find this amp sounds wonderful without it. A Rating

3) Allen Old Flame - over the top clean blackface tones which have been enhanced with the addition of a couple of Groove Tube 6L6GE power tubes. Wonderful sparkly tones and great reverb. A+ Rating

4) Fender Princeton Reverb - Early 70's which I have modded to increase the clean headroom. The addition of a Weber 10F150T speaker makes this thing a tonal low wattage monster. Not as loud as the Rambler or Old Flame but a great clean amp. Rating A+

5) Carr Mercury - This amp reminds me more of a Tweed-era with less of a sparkly clean and bit more added edge than a BF. Nice amp, decent cleans but I like the overdriven tones more from this amp. Rating A Overall, B+ Clean

04-23-2004, 08:43 AM
Thanks guys! I am leaning towards an F50 or a DrZ right now. I know they are two different animals. And I will go and try out the others as suggested. I beleive Jack Levins has them all.


04-23-2004, 12:00 PM
My favorite clean sounds (not that I even play clean) are (in no particular order):

Dr Z 6545-The 45 channel is awesome for clean sounds-it's very round and full, yet seems to have a bit of voxy shimmer at the same time. Push it loudly, and it's hi-watt. I will one day buy a KT-45 as I did not like the 65 channel on the 6545.

Dr Z Maz 18-Nice voxey character if that's what you want your clean side to sound like. The reverb tank adds a bit of dimension, but it's not the best reverb I've ever heard and it's a little noisy.

Bogner Shiva-very nice clean especially for a modern channel switcher. I owned the 6L6 version, but I've heard the EL-34 version is just as nice on the clean channel. The reverb is great and a must have on this amp (you can order it without reverb).

Well, that's it with the amps I've owned. I picked up a Mesa MkIV last week and I really like the clean channel a lot. I need to play around with it more to get a better opinion on it though. I hear awesome things about Carr amps if you want that Fender tone.

04-23-2004, 01:00 PM
the carr rambler is the only combo that i love. combo's always sound boxy to me. if you don't need lots of power or aren't playing super loud, you might be suprised how good amps like the f30 sound through the bogner cube 1x12.

04-23-2004, 01:50 PM
Thanks Tom,

That is a problem with combos. Just that for the most part I need the convenience of a small amp.

I have an F30, but I don't like to gig with it as it has the burgundy tolex and cane grille upcrages. And it just at times is not lud enough.

My Nomad is super versatile. It gets very good sounds but no great sounds. However, I have played it through a Marshall 4x12 and it then it got great sounds.

But like I said I need small.

Thanks guys for all the help! I'll be checking out the Carr next week.

04-27-2004, 11:06 PM
I love the clean sound in my Matchless SC-30. The Guytron GT100 has a wonderful clean sound too. Amazingly good for a monster channel switcher. On the Fender side of the equation, I dig the Tone King Comet and Divided by 13 FTR37 best. In the Marshall world, boy...hard to beat an older 50W. The Mojave Peacemaker and Scorpion are Marshally amps with wonderful cleans (and killer OD as well). My Roccaforte Custom 80 has a great clean sound too, from the 'Marshall school'.

Tom Gross
04-28-2004, 07:42 AM
My Two Rock modded bassman has an unbelievable clean - no reverb, but it is so rich and full it fills the room with shimmer. Just spectacular clean tone.

I don't have one, but the Tone King Meteor is really stunning for Fender style cleans.

04-30-2004, 10:37 AM
Believe it or not, my Carvin Stagemaster 212 is the best clean tone I've heard - for what I need. It has a deep and clear low end, good balance of tone, pristine highs, good mids (excellent EQ section), and never breaks up even at ridiculous volume, which is what I want for my playing since I use other things for distortion and break-up. I've had it for years and, while the distortion channel just plain sucks, I can't get rid of it because of the tremendous clean channel...awesome.

Marty S Horne
05-07-2004, 10:40 AM
My favorite clean amp is my Nomad 55 with 4 10 Jensens set on Vintage mode. The 4 10's give it a Pre CBS Super Reverb tone that I love. It reminds me of David Spinozzas' vintage Super he was nice enough to let me use on a record date in NYC years ago.

05-07-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by bruce
What about an old-school Marshall with the guitars' volume turned down?

Bruce, absolutely!

While they don't BLOOOM like a 65 Super Reverb or a sixties Pro Reverb, the non MV 100W Marshalls (67-71), are great "clean" amps. My 71 Super Trem is about as clean as it gets w/o being JC120 sterile.

05-10-2004, 12:33 AM
David Barber's new Echelon amp knocked me over for both clean and overdriven.

05-10-2004, 11:04 AM
i like his pedals so much that i'm afraid to try the amp!

05-10-2004, 07:11 PM
I spent about 3 hours with the Barber Echelon using various guitars. I sold my number one amp that week and ordered Dave's amp immediately. I ordered a couple of his pedals to go with it.

His stuff is top notch. I've never played another amp that knocked me over like that Echelon head.


05-10-2004, 07:21 PM
i didn't need to hear that!

05-10-2004, 07:25 PM
Have you heard the clips on his website yet? He's using a Hollow Classic with VA's on a few of them. Great sound.


05-10-2004, 07:37 PM
i've got a lap top so the sound is not worth trying. guitars jsut need more than 1" speakers to sound good.

05-10-2004, 07:57 PM
I just checked out the samples on his site and that is one tasty sounding amp!

Would love to hear it with the M series pickups as I'm sure Tom would too (and will soon).

Mmmm Mmmm good!

Stan Malinowski
05-10-2004, 08:14 PM
How long has Barber been in the amp business? Any specs on the Echelon?

05-10-2004, 08:30 PM
The story is that he's been doing this sort of thing since he was a little kid, built a radio station transmitter from scratch when he was 10 years old or something crazy like that.

Check barberelectronics.com for the specs. It's on the homepage and if you click on the picture of the amp it'll take you to a more detailed write up.

Stan Malinowski
05-11-2004, 06:27 AM
I listened to the sound clips, great bluesy tones. And he is using an Anderson Classic! I wonder if he will be releasing the amp in a combo form in the future?

05-15-2004, 10:40 PM
Hey Dan,

You know my suggestion: low budget Crate Vintage Club 50, yank the 12AX7's and put in 12AT7s. I put a Celestion Rocket 12" - 8ohm into the red tiger stripe cabinet. Pretty solid sound for 3 bills plus 50 for the speaker. You're welcome to try it out any time.

05-16-2004, 10:28 AM
I love the cleans on my CAE 3+ SE. I've been told that Suhr can do a mod to make it sound even more "amplike," but I like it just the way it is.
