View Full Version : Setting intonation using DT-7

02-09-2009, 02:15 AM
Can someone walk me through setting intonation with the DT-7. Once the guitar is in tune I switch to the open 12th and red dot blinks.Obviously we are using new strings that have been stretched and placing the setting to the BFTS. Do I set all the strings to 0? Seems to push the saddles back pretty far. Most of the red dots were to the right of center.

02-09-2009, 08:15 AM

See post two in the thread above. Should help a bunch.

Note that intonation is affected by string length, neck curve, and pickup height. So be sure that you adjust the neck first. Pickup height with single coil PUPS can have more impact than you would think. Do a search on the forum for "Stratitis" for more info.

In other words, before you start moving the saddles, first adjust the neck and the PUP height.

Honestly, I have been playing forever and like you, probably learned to do these simple adjustments what seems like a million years ago. But I still never get it as good as when I take my guitar to my tech. So if you can find a store better than the big box stores, for me it is worth it to take my $2500 guitar and spend $35 for a good set up.

My tech used to say to me, if you owned a Ferarri, would you fix it yourself?
Well, since I don't fix my Maxima, I guess I get his point!

02-09-2009, 02:24 PM
yes, important that neck adjustment be done first. intonation is the last thing once all else is where it should be. i wish it were possible to have you all out to the shop so we could do a "things all guitar players should be able to do on their guitars" class. neck, action and intonation should all be things you can do yourself, especially on our guitars. we're hoping to be able to incorporate some simple videos on our website rebuild. they'll probably start crude, but they should get the job done.

02-09-2009, 03:07 PM
.... we're hoping to be able to incorporate some simple videos on our website rebuild. they'll probably start crude, but they should get the job done.

That would be WAY cool!

02-09-2009, 03:19 PM
thinking ahead to these videos, what do you all think about format? would little short 2 minute deals be cool? like t rod, action height, into being separate vids?

02-09-2009, 03:22 PM
more vid questions. tech clips one thing, but sound clips about guitars would seem to be more complex. what would we need equipment wise to get decent sounding clips for guits? separate mic for amp and voice? what software? what camera?

02-09-2009, 03:38 PM
I will leave the tech questions and answers to others but I must say the idea of short tech help videos on the basic needs is a good idea. There is something similar on the Suhr website relating to truss rod adjustment which seems a good template.

02-09-2009, 04:06 PM
thinking ahead to these videos, what do you all think about format? would little short 2 minute deals be cool? like t rod, action height, into being separate vids?
Tom, I think that would be tremendously helpful. I know about 8-9 Anderson players - who are not on this forum for whatever reason - that would love to be able learn from the supreme commander, even if through video!
Topics like neck adjustment, setting action, and for me - adjusting and setting locking bridges, dealing with fret tangs, and optimizing pick-up height, to name a few, would be of great help.

02-09-2009, 05:07 PM
t rod and into vids are an awesome idea. wiring pics of cavities of what it should look like. i know mine was sabitoshed! some great ideas on your mind!!

02-09-2009, 05:18 PM
... and optimizing pick-up height ...
+100. This is one of those things people don't even think about, when in a lot of cases can make nearly as much tonal difference as the type of pickup itself. :)

Suriel Zayas
02-09-2009, 08:07 PM
thinking ahead to these videos, what do you all think about format? would little short 2 minute deals be cool? like t rod, action height, into being separate vids?

how 'bout some anderson real tv. set up webcams all over the shop and let's go streaming! why stop at the two minute vids!:D :eek: :D

ps: don't forget that most important bathroom cam!

02-10-2009, 09:48 AM
more vid questions. tech clips one thing, but sound clips about guitars would seem to be more complex. what would we need equipment wise to get decent sounding clips for guits? separate mic for amp and voice? what software? what camera?

This one is a toughie, because you'd have to set up a place in the shop where the mics and conditions are unchanged. Sound clips, no matter how high quality, do more harm than good in my opinion. Yes, a sound clip will allow a player to hear the difference between a Zendrive and a Fulldrive, but the tactile engagement that comes from playing the two is really at the heart of a purchase. The process is similar to car shopping based on pictures of the interiors. I can see that one has more cup holders and another looks comfortable, but until I spend time behind the wheel of both, I have just enough info to make the wrong choice.

With your guitars, I think it would be cool to have a section that says, here is the sound of a classic vs. a hollow classic. Here is the sound of a CT Atom vs. a Cobra Special and here is what you should listen for. But they would have to be done in such a way that those differences were unmistakable.

So, from a marketing standpoint, I ask myself what kind of effect these videos would have on public perception. If a viewer doesn't hear the difference or sweet nuances of construction, have you lost a sale? How many guys (like Mojotone) purchase guitars as a test drive because they can't actually get their hands on one to try out physically?

I dunno, I'm thinking out loud and would love others to chime in. I'm sure there are factors I haven't considered. My personal experience with sound clips has been from Indoor Storm's videos and the YouTube videos I've done of the Egnater MOD50, The Rebel, and the LIne 6 M13. And after 90k views, I'm shocked at how many emails I get asking me questions that the videos were explicitly meant to answer or show. And as for Indoor Storm, while the videos are good quality and they're great players, I still get people asking for better sound clips of the MOD50 modules because Eddie Berman sounds like Eddie Berman through all of the modules.

02-10-2009, 10:13 AM
quote;So, from a marketing standpoint, I ask myself what kind of effect these videos would have on public perception. If a viewer doesn't hear the difference or sweet nuances of construction, have you lost a sale?..............

i totally agree with everything you mentioned, marketing wise, however, i would think that tom's idea is more for the players who know what they're looking at. losing a sale to johnnie wannabee is not the main sales drive behind TAG. the premise of the vids is to be helpful to those of us who don't do intos or set our own t-rods. for those of us who do, maybe we'd see it from another perspective and be able to appreciate a trick from the supreme commander!!! i really think the vid idea is really cool, and it'll give us something else to view and maybe drive our wives to roll their eyes at us!!
g-zan, i enjoy reading and seeing it from your perspective.

02-10-2009, 10:26 AM
I'm definitely up on the idea of short videos explaining in details how to adjust the basic settings of a Tom Anderson Guitar... (especially truss rod as I'd have to remove the neck to adjust mine !, oh, and action too, it's always too high for me, and it buzzes when I lower the bridge)

Ray K.
02-10-2009, 10:48 AM

A Canadian friend of mine, Mark Day, does quite a few demo videos. Mostly of guitars and pickups and then he posts them on the web. I'm not where I can access them, so if you're interested, let me know and I'll get the links later. On second thought, go to YouTube and search for "samhillband."

I don't know all the specifics, but he uses an HD video camera (which are getting smaller everyday it seems). The camera is for the video only. For audio, he uses an Edirol R-09 set at a specific distance from his speaker cab, so nothing changes, at least in that part of the equation. Same room, same recording equipment and same (mic) distance from the speaker cab.

I think he runs the audio out from the R-09 into the HD camera, but don't hold me to that. It's only my guess. Otherwise, I believe he would have to sync the audio and video using software, which I don't think would be too easy/fun to do.

Hope that helps, or at least encourages someone with the expertise to speak up.

Ray K.

02-10-2009, 11:30 AM
My personal experience with sound clips has been from Indoor Storm's videos ...

agreed that Indoor Storm's onto something. For EFX, I love ProGuitarShop.com and their demos. I've purchased several pedals from them over the years as a result of their video 'test driving' in a consistent and sound-neutral environment,


02-10-2009, 01:09 PM
i agree that i have not heard much in a video clip that made me go WOW. i am most interested in tech stuff to help answer every day kind of questions. i also agree that comparisons may make more sense than individual demos.
much pondering to do, still have lots of guitars to make.
also liked those effect vids. seeing tim pierce made me want an ac boost. didn't sound the same when i tried it:(

02-10-2009, 01:12 PM
i agree that i have not heard much in a video clip that made me go WOW. i am most interested in tech stuff to help answer every day kind of questions. i also agree that comparisons may make more sense than individual demos.
much pondering to do, still have lots of guitars to make.
also liked those effect vids. seeing tim pierce made me want an ac boost. didn't sound the same when i tried it:(

yeah, the tech stuff is a no-brainer. I think it's a really great move and can give people some insight into who you are, which is great. I believe it builds into the "Gepetto Mystique" a bit since you're a fun but mild-mannered guy.

02-10-2009, 01:42 PM
I think the following would be great 2 minutes tips that would go along way in helping folks out.

Intonation setup
Neck adjustments (pros and con of having either a straight or slight curve)
Proper number of string wraps on tuners to help tuning stability
Better to remove all strings at once or one at a time while changing
Stretching strings (how to and what would be excessive)

Some suggestions may seem to be pretty basic but might be a huge help to a lot of folks

02-10-2009, 02:11 PM
Please post mpegs, as they are the format most readable by the most people.

The problem with sound clips is consistency, for sure. But I think if you just invested in a simple interface and a Shure SM57 you'd get the sound great.

I'm sure Indoor Storm (who does a good job of this), being one of your dealers, would be more than willing to share how they do it.

Another idea, which many of you would find distasteful, would be to set up some better computer amp sim to show how the guitars sound. Yes, it wouldn't show off the amp, but the issue of miked-amp to miked-amp variation would be effectively eliminated. And think how many are listening to these clips through computer speakers anyhow.

I have a couple really nice amps I like, and still end up using Logic Studio's amp sims a lot when I record. Sorry, but in a mix, I just can't really tell the diff, and I can change amp settings after the fact (which I do often).

Funny thing is, at my little local music shop, I've taken to always testing each guitar through the same cheezy little Pro Junior amp. That way, I know I'm always hearing the guitar the same as I heard any other guitar.

02-24-2009, 11:29 PM
what would we need equipment wise to get decent sounding clips for guits? separate mic for amp and voice? what software? what camera?

Sorry I'm late to post here. Since no one really gave a suggestion, any modern Mac containing iMovie(built in app) and a decent video cam(w/tripod) will do pro looking/sounding video clips. As for a mic interface/preamp, I know Apogee makes that cool dual channel I/O(the Duet) which plugs into the Mac via firewire. There are a lot of alternatives via a slew of manufacturers.

Easy editing makes this a no brainer.

02-24-2009, 11:35 PM
By the way, here's links relevant to info from my last post:



jeff h
02-26-2009, 02:28 PM
The set up assist woul be wonderful!!!

02-26-2009, 08:57 PM
Why don't you just use Mojocasters stuff? By now he probably has covered most of the Anderson line! And he does a nice job with his demos too.