View Full Version : Drop Top vs. Fender CS Showmaster FMT?

09-21-2003, 11:34 PM

Felipe Nacif
09-22-2003, 07:38 AM
All I know is that both come from the same root: John Suhr, who while working at Pensa, used to get bodies and necks from TA is the one who created those maple toped strats at Fender.

The Fender is a pretty rare bird, you don't see many of those around. I don't like the idea of throwing a maple top over a strat body pure and simple. That's why TA uses hollow bodies and different woods such as mahogany and rosewood. The whole fine tuning is crucial, those strats used to come with Texas yuck Specials:p

That's also why you don't see many Classics from Suhr with maple tops. Usually he leaves those for his Standard models, which are pretty close to the Drop Top shape.

09-22-2003, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Felipe Nacif
Texas yuck Specials:p

So far, my Roadhouse with Texas "yuck" Specials is my favorite guitar.

FYI, those pickups need to be dialed down almost to the pickguard and they sound killer...very hot vintage.

Felipe Nacif
09-22-2003, 12:20 PM
Great to know, cause I never could find a good position for them. I always felt they had that annoying mid that probably would disapear as you push then down.

The problem is that the last time I played a guitar with TS I was still a kid;)

Next time I'll try as you said!

09-22-2003, 01:49 PM
I can nail the Knopfler tone with mine set as they are. The mids tame down nicely....and I guess the honk of the mids is the biggest complaint. Funny that Fender's setup suggests higher than what I have but everyone who does this setup really digs the tone....you think they would learn.