View Full Version : Which Pickups are for me?

04-22-2004, 12:28 AM
I am really wanting to custom order a Hollow T Classic here soon. Right now I have a Fender 62 tele custom reissue. I am a country player for the most part, so I love the twangy beautiful sound that my tele puts out. I also like to play worship-rock style like Chris Tomlin and DCB type stuff - with the worship also comes that mellow chorusy sound like in God of Wonders, etc..

I really like the look of a lipstick pickup on the neck, and a single down by the bridge. Could you guys give me some advise as to what would be my best configuration for a mostly "country" guitar, that would still be versatile. I should probably keep my Drop Top - as the "versatile" part, and sell the '62, but I love my Fender, and I dont have the cash to do that either...I think it would be cool to have two Tele's...I am just a tele guy I guess.



04-22-2004, 11:24 AM

This might be a no-brainer since you already described what you are looking for in tone. I think the TV3 in the bridge and a TV1 in the neck are what you are looking for. These are authentic sounding pick ups that are NOT hum-canceling. Check the website for a more detailed decription, but I think this is the most authentic sounding combo for a Hollow T if you are seeking the twang factor.


04-22-2004, 11:44 AM
Thanks. If they are not "hum cancelling", does that mean when I am standing there, not playing, they are going to buzz and hum like crazy?? My tele hums a little too much, and that gets old sometimes.


04-22-2004, 01:11 PM
True single coils have that vintage characteristic that you can't replace! Also, the single coil Andersons (VA1, VA2 and I believe the TV1 and TV3-not sure, but whatever is on that hollow t at Dan's Guitars) that I've played aren't that noisy relative to other true single coils I've played. If the noise bothers you and you don't mind compromising the vintage tone that true single coils give you, I think TA makes hum cancelling pickups for teles too.

04-22-2004, 04:36 PM
I recommend a pickup in the middle (nashville tele style) Perhaps a sweet VA series, This will give you added variety, I love mine!


04-23-2004, 04:25 AM
Ryman, Yes, these (TV3 and TV1) are "true" single coils. They will emit a 60-cycle hum like every other single coil pick up. But, the twang factor will be there.

I would also suggest looking into a solid bodied swamp-ash "T" with a maple neck ... this yeilds the "real deal" Tele twang factor.

The hollow bodies have a slightly softer pick attack and the punchy twang thang is lessened just a hair.

04-23-2004, 05:38 AM
Ryan, based on what you mentioned, I believe you'll really like a hollow T classic. I have one, 01-02-03N, it sounds really good. I find the TV1/TV3 PU combination works well. The tones from the three switching combinations are wonderful. The middle position will make you melt! I warn you, the Fender will probably not get played if you get one.

As far as hum goes, I do not really notice any appreciable amount when playing without effects added. Only until you add overdrive/distortion or compression do I hear the hum. By using a volume pedal, I back off until the song starts which by then, the hum is masked the other instruments or your own playing.

This guitar works well for the Chris Tomlin or Dave Crowder type music. We had a group in one where the electric guitar player used a Fender Tele vintage reissue. The music was right from the Chris Tomlin/Dave Crowder/Charlie Hall and others genre. The guitar sounded really good.
