View Full Version : Just got my Cobra S back with SS frets...

04-21-2004, 04:09 PM
Man, what a great job on my guitar! If you didn't know it had been refretted you'd never be able to tell. My guitar is a 97 and had a fair amount of fret wear, and needed a new nut anyway. The guitar came back to me feeling like a brand new guitar, with a perfect setup. I had the SS frets already on my 02 HDT, so I kind of knew what to expect. I loved my Cobra S before but now it's even better. The SS frets play so smooth. I have to say the folks at Anderson are the best!

04-21-2004, 08:40 PM

04-21-2004, 10:34 PM
That's good to hear Joe. I'm hoping to get my 97 Hollow T back next week with it's brand new SS frets. Mine were actually in descent shape---------just wanted SS after playing my other Anderson , which has them. Also chose to switch from heavy------to mediums.
Got the friendly call from Lori about a week ago----so am REALLY excited to get it back. Play on!!!!!!

04-22-2004, 12:02 AM
Isn't it great, and what a difference it makes.

Stan Malinowski
04-22-2004, 07:40 AM
Once you've played a guitar with SS frets it's hard to go back!

04-23-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
Once you've played a guitar with SS frets it's hard to go back!

So true. After I bought a used Cobra S about a year and a half ago, the first thing I did was send it to the TA factory to change the frets to ss.