View Full Version : How much is Tom Anderson's signature worth?

Gerry Cooper
01-26-2009, 09:59 AM
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electric-Guitar-by-Tom-Anderson-NICE_W0QQitemZ180322627708QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuita r?hash=item180322627708&_trksid=p3286.m63.l1177

Worth a lot I'm sure but surely not that much:eek:

01-26-2009, 10:20 AM
Hey Tom, would you mind autographing a few of my guitars? Please?

01-26-2009, 01:08 PM
i'd say it's worth as much as the check it's written on.
seriously, this is exactly why i don't sign guitars any more. people imply that by the signature it is more "special" than the rest. every guitar that leaves here gets the same tlc.

01-26-2009, 10:38 PM
Hey, it's gotta be worth it, because it's got "a head start on being vintage".


Oh well.............:D

01-27-2009, 07:48 AM
Just imagine if it had Tom's signature AND a brazillion board how much it would be worth? :p

01-27-2009, 01:02 PM
Didn't I read that you were going to sign the Baritom guitars?

01-27-2009, 02:57 PM
yes on the bari's since it's a limited run.

01-27-2009, 10:27 PM
In all seriousness, Tom.........I respect your approach to autographing your guitars.

Personally, I'd say, if you can make more money doing it, then I'm on your side. If autographing a limited run, or whatever, makes you more money, than you deserve it, and I'm all for it!! What makes Andys special is your talent, your skill, your company. It's your autograph, your symbol, and you deserve any profit it might generate.

I just hate to see some yahoo who lucks out and gets your autograph profit from your reputation, where you get squat.

01-27-2009, 11:06 PM
not really interested in profiting from my sig. for a while i would sign if people would make donations to the charity of their choice, but that gets hard to police and in the end it's still a guitar with a false "specialness". so i'd rather not because of the false implications. the bari's are just because it was a kind of spur of the moment idea that turned into more guitars than we thought it would.

01-28-2009, 11:52 AM
The following saying is attributed to the Buddha:

"...a finger pointing at the moon is not the moon itself."

This crept into my mind while reading this thread and wouldn't go away until I passed it along. Some people may believe that a guitar signed by Tom is "more" of an Anderson than one without a signature, and therefore of greater value.

Usun's on this forum know otherwise. I believe we value our TAGs for their quality and sound, AND we give credit to Tom and the other folks at TAGW for those attributes. We don't "buy" Tom...we buy a guitar made by his team.

Anyway, I believe that all TAGs are "signed" by Tom when he gives each a test play before sending it out into the world. And then he initials the case.

Gerry Cooper
01-28-2009, 01:16 PM
The following saying is attributed to the Buddha:

"...a finger pointing at the moon is not the moon itself."

This crept into my mind while reading this thread and wouldn't go away until I passed it along. Some people may believe that a guitar signed by Tom is "more" of an Anderson than one without a signature, and therefore of greater value.

Usun's on this forum know otherwise. I believe we value our TAGs for their quality and sound, AND we give credit to Tom and the other folks at TAGW for those attributes. We don't "buy" Tom...we buy a guitar made by his team.

Anyway, I believe that all TAGs are "signed" by Tom when he gives each a test play before sending it out into the world. And then he initials the case.

Couldn't have said that any better, you hit the head right on the nail.

01-28-2009, 04:01 PM
I want my Anderson signed by EVERYBODY who worked on it, not just the guy in charge (as cool as you are Tom...). Obviously, by the fit and finish of my instrument, a LOT of people out there are great at what they do.

If I sign a waiver swearing not to mark it up on resale for that will you do it when I send my Crowdster Plus in to be the first guy to get the neck pickup retrofit?


01-28-2009, 04:51 PM
trying to sneak that neck pickup in under the sig thread. very sneaky, i'm gonna have to watch you.

01-28-2009, 05:48 PM
Yeah, that's what all my teachers used to say.

No, seriously, you don't have to all sign the guitar if you don't want to. Just let me know when to ship it to you for the modification.

(jk...) :D

btw, the Crowdster sounds AMAZING through the new Dr. Z rig. I used it for the good part of a service for the first time since I got it up and running. The acoustic on top of the sound of that electric side is HUGE.

01-28-2009, 09:50 PM
What!!! Retrofit!!!

I"m In!!!

01-29-2009, 09:27 AM
No Bob.

Just wishful thinking on my part.

For my penance, I'm not allowed to tell you about it when the retrofit actually happens.
