View Full Version : First show with my Anderson

04-19-2004, 11:43 AM
Well we finally had our show. I had brought my '52 tele just incase.... it sat on the stand all night long. I Couldnt belive the awesome acoustic tones from my Anderson. Show went really well. The camera man took a few pics of our lead player and me beside each other playing. He has an anderson also. Web site should be updated tonight. www.nightedge.com

i was very pleased with the guitar. I hooked up two different wireless units to the guitar. two mono plugs. That is the only thing i want to work on. Gonna have to get two 90 degree plugs...looked kinda strange with two wires coming out of the guitar....plus i had my headset batt pack, then my monitors..
hell i had to use like 5 9volt batteries a show!!

Just wanted to have a cleaner look. so i am thinking of goign to 90Degree mono's then shink wrap them together up to the packs on my strap.

04-19-2004, 12:31 PM
i'd love to have your battery concession!

04-19-2004, 01:31 PM
Nice website! I couldn't help but notice your lighting..how much intelligent lighting do you have? My band uses 4 intellabeams and about 40 par64 cans, but we are redesigning our light show. If you can, give me some info on what you guys are using (kind/type and board).
BTW, I know what you mean about 9v batteries, our band uses 24 of them a night. Duracell Procell 9v, we buy them by the case..
What kind of music do you guys do anyway?How do you like your headsets?
Thanks for any info..

04-19-2004, 02:56 PM
Costco and Sam's Club have pretty good prices on batteries.

04-20-2004, 07:49 AM
I'll second the ProCells...best consistent tone and last the longest.

04-20-2004, 09:03 PM
nightedge runs a pretty large show. We run 4 intellabeams on the back, 8 par64's, and 3 superdata flashes.

on the sides we run 4 trackspots and then 4 par64's

then two par 64's on each front for front lighting.

we also run a fogger and a hazer.

Everything is DMX controlled. with all multipin connnections on EVERYTHING. Hog PC runs it all.

The coolest part is the HOG PC program and some of the added extras. The light man takes the lap top home and designs the show at home, then comes to the show and plugs it in and shazam!!

the program actually draws your stage and you are able to everything you have in their prospective spots on the truss. then you can actually see them move on the screen as they would in real life. even fading. and everything is 3D so you can look at it from any angle you want. Pretty neat. I have no idea how to run the thing...just glad that we have it.

web site aint updated yet....