View Full Version : Advice On Reverb

12-21-2008, 04:47 AM
I have just bought one of the new Blackstar HT-5 combos - what a great piece of kit. It is 5 watts and cost £249 or about $375. It must be the best value for money practise/recording amp around at the present time. The UK mags are all giving Blackstar gear rave reviews - have a look at their site-


Anyway, to the point of my post. I don't want to put a host of effects in line as the amp is great without them but I would like to add reverb. Can anyone recommend a sensibly priced reverb pedal?

12-21-2008, 05:14 AM
The new Digitech Hardware RV-7 Reverb is excellent. The high headroom 18V internal booster really makes a difference and lets it run easily in an amp's effects loop. It can be selected for true-bypass, or you can disable true bypass and let the 'tails' fade out when you deactivate the reverb.

I've had the Line 6 Verbzilla, and the new Digitech RV-7 is much better IMO.

12-23-2008, 01:10 PM
Many thanks for responding. In an interview in the most recent Guitarist magazine, Gary Moore says he uses the Digitech Reverb you refer to. If its good enough for you and Gary Moore then its good enough for me. Have a great Christmas.