View Full Version : Anderson Pricing

09-15-2003, 09:28 PM
Two note on Anderson pricing (just trying to generate some conversation here):

1. Anderson prices seem to be going contunually upwards. Look at the prices of new guitars versus the original prices from just 2 or 3 years ago. And this is during a significant economic downturn! Sucks for us, but TA's business must be doing well.

2. Has anyone else noticed that TA dealers seem to have a fixed discount of 30% on TA guitars. I can easily get 40% a PRS, but can't seem to get more than 30% off a TA.

09-15-2003, 10:34 PM
i think most manufacturers are itching to raise their prices another 3-5%. consumers are not dealing at enough volume to allow this without a protest.

i noticed both grosh & TA list prices going up.

most likely the discount offered is a response to the supply and demand of the goods.

what's prs pushing 300 guitars a week? as opposed to tom anderson who does 15 a week and grosh does MAYBE 5 weekly!

09-19-2003, 09:53 AM
Prices are a function of supply, demand, and the manufacturer's business savvy. Anderson doesn't want to increase supply, and demand is strong enough to create a wait list. At the margin, a modest price increase may chase away a few potential customers. But by selling the same number of guitars at higher prices, Anderson nets more dough. Capitalism 101!

Also, my unscientific tracking on eBay suggests that Anderson's have been fetching better prices in the secondary market. Like most boutique guitars, there's a healthy haircut off the new price. Still, it seems as though demand has been picking up. I wonder how much impact the recent ToneQuest rave review had in this regard.

- DB

09-21-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by malabarmusic
Also, my unscientific tracking on eBay suggests that Anderson's have been fetching better prices in the secondary market. Like most boutique guitars, there's a healthy haircut off the new price. Still, it seems as though demand has been picking up. I wonder how much impact the recent ToneQuest rave review had in this regard.

- DB

I don't know about that. I made a healthy profit selling my Hollow T Classic several months back. Now I see a lot of really high pricing, not meeting reserve and relisting all the time.

All I want is a dirt cheap Drop Top without a Floyd Rose...is that to much to ask? hehe:D

09-22-2003, 08:02 PM
Many sellers haven't picked up that listing things with high opening bids ("No Reserve!") is a sure-fire way to end up with zero bids. I start all my auctions at $1.00 and almost never use a reserve. I let the market decide what something is really worth. Low opening bids encourage more action and will allow the final price to reach its full potential. eBay would be more fun if more people realized this!

- DB

09-22-2003, 11:35 PM
Amen....preach it DB!!! ;)