View Full Version : H2+ vs H2

04-16-2004, 10:33 AM
I've been using the H2+ in the bridge position of mt Hollow Drop Top (alder/maple) for a bit now and while I like it I feel like I'd like it better if it had a little less lows/low mids and was not quite as hot. I'm thinking that might make it balance a little better with the Sa1 pickups in the front two positions. From the info on the Anderson website it looks like the H2 might be perfect but I figured I'd try to get sugestions here from anyone who has tried both and can compare the H2 to the H2+. How much difference is there between the two?

04-16-2004, 12:02 PM
23.87% less output..... not really. i use one myself, and it is all the things you are looking for. it is a noticable amount lower in the things you are looking for less of, but not so far that you will think you got a totally different guitar.

04-16-2004, 12:34 PM
Thanks, Tom. Sounds like the H2 is the way for me to go then.

04-16-2004, 12:43 PM
...the pickup height?

I've found different "degrees" of tone for my H2+ depending on the height - might be worth a try. (I have a Hollow T H/S/H and currently have the H2+ pretty close - about 2/32" closer on both sides than when it came from the shop.)

For myself alone and with tone and oneness, Mike.

04-16-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by BrownDog
...the pickup height?

I've found different "degrees" of tone for my H2+ depending on the height - might be worth a try. (I have a Hollow T H/S/H and currently have the H2+ pretty close - about 2/32" closer on both sides than when it came from the shop.)

For myself alone and with tone and oneness, Mike.

Thanks for the suggestion. I have messed with the height but the overall voice of the H2+ seems to be a bit too deep for my tastes in this guitar. It may be in part because the alder back seems to add low mids to begin with. I have a friend with a Basswood backed Anderson and when played acoustically the Basswood backed guitar doesn't seem to have the low mid thickness of my alder backed guitar. I really like the alder with the single coils as it seems to fill the tone out a bit with them. Don't get me wrong, the H2+ sounds good, at this point I'm just fine-tuning. You know, going for that extra 10% <g>.

04-21-2004, 08:43 AM
Followup: I got the H2 pickup for my guitar and installed it yesterday. Perfect, perfect, perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. The humbucker sound is perfectly balanced, enough of everything and not too much of anything. The split sound is great, similar to the Fralin Blues Special bridge pickup I have in one of my other guitars. The split bridge added to the middle SA1 split is the perfect bridge/mid Strat sound. The H2 really fits this particular guitar. I'm done tweaking, this guitar is ready to be played!