View Full Version : vibe pedals?

11-11-2008, 12:51 PM
ok, so i've sworn off adding pedals, but with my current amp setup i don't need as many ods and i have this glaring hole in the middle of my pedalboard. i'm thinking some kind of vibe pedal but i don't like the thwap they seem to have when the sweep is too strong, too much like a phase shifter. any recommendations? not looking for chorusy things either.

11-11-2008, 02:39 PM
Lovepedal Vibe ....really nice

11-11-2008, 03:04 PM
ok, so i've sworn off adding pedals, but ...

:) :) You know you probably have worse GAS than all of us!!!:) :)

11-11-2008, 03:51 PM
i do have the vibe, been struggling getting the depth adjustment just right. wish is was a little less dark swooshy(that's a technical term).
and danno, at least my guitar gas is easily remedied.

11-11-2008, 07:18 PM
Two cool Vibe-ish pedals to check out are...

MojoVibe by Sweet Sound (http://www.sweetsound.com/) Killer Uni-vibe tones.


and my current Favorite pedal...

Deluxe Moon Phaser by Red Witch (http://www.redwitchanalogpedals.com/deluxemoonphaser.html) This thing just makes the coolest phasing/vibe tones you will ever hear. I hate to turn the dang thing off!


11-11-2008, 09:39 PM
and danno, at least my guitar gas is easily remedied.

He shoots! HE SCORES! :D

11-14-2008, 06:52 PM
Bob Sweet's Mojo Vibe is my favorite, as well. The thing is dynamite. You can hook it up with a Volume pedal, and control the speed of the sweep.

Bob is a GREAT guy. I hope he's doing well, as far as his recent health problems go. I don't know about you guys, but I love buying from good people. And, as with Andys, it also helps when they make top shelf quality stuff.

11-14-2008, 07:22 PM
i hope i am wrong, but i thought i had heard that bob had left us.

11-14-2008, 07:24 PM
i hope i am wrong, but i thought i had heard that bob had left us.I knew he was ill, but his website is still up.

11-14-2008, 07:30 PM
i believe he passed away near the end of last month.

Suriel Zayas
11-14-2008, 08:30 PM
tom is right. r.i.p. bob.:(

11-15-2008, 07:48 PM
i hope i am wrong, but i thought i had heard that bob had left us.

Wow.....I am sad to hear that. Not surprised, but surely sad.

My pal, and co owner of The String Network, is from Detroit, and knew Bob from there. Lee had used a Sweet Sounds "Ultra Vibe" for many years, and loves the thing. Lee suggested that I get a "Mojo Vibe" from Bob.

So, without having ever heard one, I found Bob's website, and ordered one. Then I didn't hear back about the order for a period of time. So, I noticed on his web site that Bob suggested that when you order, that you consider actually calling him about the order, and listed his home phone number.

So, I did.

I called Bob, and he answered the phone. He told me that he'd been having medical problems, and was having a hard time keeping up with orders. Bob and I ended up having about an hour long phone conversation about just about everything you can imagine.

He spoke about his cancer, and some other medical issues that were keeping him in severe pain. Yet, from speaking with Bob, you'd never know. He was gracious, humorous, and just a great guy!! After the conversation, I just wanted to live next door to the guy!!

I told Bob that I was a physician, and had actually spent several years doing surgery for the type of cancer Bob was fighting. So, we had a long talk, about his medical problems, but also about life in general. Bob was a good guy.

Bob assured me that he had a Mojo almost finished and would do his best to get it to me. I later heard that he had to be hospitalized shortly after I spoke with him, and that he might not be making pedals anymore due to severe back and spinal problems.

At that point, I e mailed Bob, and told him to keep the money I'd sent him for his medical bills, and not worry about the Mojo order.

Well, about three months ago, out of the blue, I got a brand new Mojo Vibe shipped to my home!! Bob somehow had found the time to make me one!! I was overjoyed, and thanked him profusely via e mail. We exchanged e mails, but didn't speak on the phone. He never let on that things might have turned for the worse............Now, I wish I'd have called him to thank him.

I will celebrate that I had a brief bit of time shared with one of the good guys. The Mojo Bob sent me will be played lovingly, in his memory.

God speed to Bob. And, my prayers to his wife and family.

Sorry if I've done a bit of a "morbid hijack" on you, Tom.

Back to Vibe pedals..........

11-16-2008, 06:14 PM
never morbid when we can talk about someone who had an impact on everyone they met. i never met bob, but have only heard wonderful things from those who have.

11-18-2008, 09:30 AM
I never got the chance to meet him either, but I did speak with him a few times and bought one of his MojoVibes. I also sent him a few bucks when Musictoyz did a call out to the community to help him with medical bills.

We'll all miss him.

12-31-2008, 08:14 AM
Sorry for the bump to an old thread, but just wanted to let everyone know that the Mojo Vibe STILL can be had for a decent price if you're patient. I watched about 10 come and go for (what I thought was) an outrageously high price. Just this morning I scored one for very little more than Bob's original sale price when he was making them. I'm getting it from the original owner and it appears to be mint.

I've never heard a better vibe pedal!